VBS is a script language developed by Microsoft. Like JavaScript, it is often used in the development of web pages. For specific tasks, it’s often easier to write a script than to use a formal programming language like ‘C’ or… Read Full Article

A program that imitates a computer with an operation system, which allows to test several independent operation systems on one physical device.

A class of programs for remote desktop sharing via the RFB protocol. A VNC system consists of a server installed on the device that connects remotely, and a control client. The client operator is able to work on the remote… Read Full Article

Today the term virus is often loosely used to refer to any type of malicious program, or is used to describe any bad thing that a program does to a computer. Strictly speaking, however, a virus is defined as program… Read Full Article

A type of fraud that employs social engineering. The visher phones the victim under the guise of a bank employee, customer, or other individual able to request confidential information from the user (such as bank card details) without arousing suspicion.… Read Full Article

A technology for creating a virtual local network as part of a physical local network connected to one or more broadcast domains. A VLAN reduces the load on the network infrastructure, since information transfer requests within the virtual segment do… Read Full Article

VoIP (Voice over IP, IP telephony) is a technology that lets subscribers to the VoIP service make telephone calls using a computer network that supports IP (Internet Protocol). This means that anyone with a broadband Internet connection can replace their… Read Full Article

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is used to provide staff are working remotely with secure access to the private network of a corporation or other organization, over the Internet. Encryption and other security features are used to maintain privacy and… Read Full Article

A vulnerability is a bug or security flaw that provides the potential for an attacker to gain unauthorized access to, or use of, a computer. The hacker does this by writing specific exploit code. The use of software vulnerabilities (in… Read Full Article