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Introducing into calamares bootloader

Configuring Linux *Open source **nix *Development for Linux *Software


Sometimes all of us need to make a graphical installer for one's own linux distro. It goes without saying that you are able to use a distro-specific installer like Anaconda for RedHat-based or DebianInstaller for debian-based. On the other hand Calamares is a graphical installer which is not aligned with only one package manager.

I want to share my experience how to make a universal install solution with GUI. I did not find any complete article about it, hence, I reinvented the wheel.

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UE5 Lumen Implementation Analysis

Game development *Game testing *Game design *AR and VR Games and game consoles

Lumen is UE5’s GI system, it is different from the traditional real-time GI which only includes the contribution of indirect diffuse reflection. It also includes indirect diffuse reflection and indirect highlight, providing a new set of complete indirect lighting. Lumen supports both hardware-based RTX and software-based Trace algorithms. The starting point of this article is that Lumen GI uses the process, algorithm, and data structure analysis of indirect diffuse reflection part based on software Trace to understand the basic principle and operation mechanism of Lumen from a macro perspective.


The core of Lumen includes the following parts:

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URL Search Params

JavaScript *

Somehow I saw code in the project of a neighboring team that generated a string with URL parameters for subsequent insertion into the iframesrc attribute.

This article may seem superfluous, obvious or too simple, but since this occurs in wildlife, you should not be silent about it, but rather share best-practices.

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Unity Performance Optimization Ⅵ: Resource Memory Leak

Game development *Game testing *Game design *AR and VR Games and game consoles

Today, we will share some knowledge points related to resource memory leak. A memory leak is the most common issue that we continuously see and also are afraid of. What is the reason behind it? Because we can’t predict the extent of the leak before we locate the leak bottleneck, we had no idea whether it will burst out at a certain moment on the line. We have received feedback from developers that their players had no problem playing for half an hour, but they would get more and more stuck after 3 to 4 hours of playing, which they never expected before. How can it be solved? Today’s sharing will answer such questions.

UWA’s GOT Online-Assets report has a resource occupancy trend chart. If there is a rising trend like the one below, you must pay special attention.

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Alternate of Packed-Binary Time Format

C *Programming microcontrollers *

The Real-Time Clock (RTC) Calendar Registers in STM32 microcontrollers implemented in Binary Code Decimal format (BCD) i. e., every two digits are represented by one byte (low digit in 0-3 bits and high digit 4-7 bits). At least there are 5 bytes required to store date and time data in a such format. There are cases when memory allocation for time stamp might become critical, e. g., the events log keeping in an extern non-volatile memory IC. Here the memory value for a single event (event serial number, timestamp, event parameters, and its CRC) is fixed and can compose up to 16 bytes. The maximum quantity of the events increasing, and time spent on a single operation reducing (for reserved power sources as supercapacitors and electrolytic capacitors is critical) can be achieved with less memory amount required for the event field.

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The Cryptocurrency Bandwagon

Decentralized networks Cryptography *Cryptocurrencies

The spread of cryptocurrencies contributed to the development of many solutions based on a distributed ledger technology (blockchain). Although the scope of these solutions varies, most of them have the same basic set of security services, i.e. confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity. These features are granted by the practical applications of public key cryptography, in particular,  digital signature (DS). But unlike many other applications of public key cryptography, cryptocurrency networks do not use public key certificates. This is the aspect that we would like to talk about.

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Queries in PostgreSQL. Statistics

Postgres Professional corporate blog PostgreSQL *SQL *

In the last article we reviewed the stages of query execution. Before we move on to plan node operations (data access and join methods), let's discuss the bread and butter of the cost optimizer: statistics.

Dive in to learn what types of statistics PostgreSQL collects when planning queries, and how they improve query cost assessment and execution times.

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How PVS-Studio prevents rash code changes, example N4

PVS-Studio corporate blog C++ *Development Management *

Blender, PVS-Studio, std::clamp
If you regularly use a static code analyzer, you can save time on guessing why the new code doesn't work as planned. Let's look at another interesting error — the function broke during refactoring, and no one noticed that. No one — except for PVS-Studio that can automatically scan the project and email the report to us.

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Why does my app send network requests when I open an SVG file?

PVS-Studio corporate blog Information Security *Programming *.NET *C# *


You decided to make an app that works with SVG. Encouraged by the enthusiasm, you collected libraries and successfully made the application. But suddenly you find that the app is sending strange network requests. And data is leaking from the host-machine. How so?

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ECS: under the hood

Game development *C# *Unity3D *

This is the translation of my article about ECS. Original (in Russian).

ECS (Entity Component System) is an architectural pattern used in game development.

In this article, I am going to describe some of the general principles of ECS frameworks' inner workings and some of the problems I have faced during the development of my own.

When I first started learning about ECS everything seemed wonderful, but only in theory. I needed some real practice to make sure that all that they were saying about ECS was true.

I’ve tried different frameworks with different engines and programming languages. Mostly it was the gorgeous EnTT framework that I used with the Godot engine and LeoECS with Unity. I haven’t tried Unity’s native ECS from DOTS because it was rather unpolished at the time I was starting.

After a while, I got enough practical experience with ECS but it was still unclear to me how all this magic works under the hood. There are a few good blogs about ECS development (https://skypjack.github.io/ from the author of EnTT and https://ajmmertens.medium.com/ from the author of Flecs) but none of them gave me enough understanding about how they are implemented. So eventually, following Bender’s example, I decided that I’m gonna make my own ECS =)

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Visual Studio 2022 — stylish and fresh. How PVS-Studio supported VS2022

PVS-Studio corporate blog Visual Studio *Development for Windows *

Seems like Microsoft has just announced Visual Studio 2022. And it already came out! For us at PVS-Studio, this meant only one thing — we must support this IDE in the next PVS-Studio release. Almost everything went smoothly. However, there were some hitches that we're going to discuss today.

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Music on the Commodore PET and the Faulty Robots

Abnormal programming *Assembler *Demoscene Old hardware Sound

After completion of the System Beeps, I wasn’t planning to make another stand alone album release with the pseudo polyphonic music, as I felt the topic had been explored enough. This, however, wouldn’t mean I couldn’t apply the experience and skills gained to make more utilitarian stuff, like an actual retro game OST or an old school demoscene project. Such an opportunity arose in Autumn 2020, as David Murray of The 8-bit Guy Youtube channel fame announced his new game to be in development, the Attack of The PETSCII Robots for Commodore PET and some other Commodore 8-bitters. As I previously worked with David on his previous big release, Planet X3 game for MS-DOS, and this was a perfect opportunity to satisfy my interest towards the pre-graphics era PCs as well as apply my vast experience both in the minimalistic computer music and 6502 assembly programming, I offered my services that had been accepted. Besides the sound code I also had hopes to participate as a music composer this time.

Unfortunately, this time the project didn’t went well on my side, and lots of issues of all kinds eventually turned it into a small scale development hell (you can learn more from a series of posts at my Patreon blog)  The end result was that my code and sound effects were only used in the VIC-20 port, and music for other versions has been created by other people. However, I was left with the full working code of the sound system for PET, and a number of music sketches. It would be a pity to file it into the archive, PET projects aren’t a frequent thing these days, so another chance to use the stuff wouldn’t come any time soon. So I got the idea to develop my music sketches into full songs, and release it as an alternative OST, and having David’s approval it has been done and released in the Winter 2021 as Faulty Robots, a small music album for PET that is available as a digital audio release and a runnable program for the actual PET computer.

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How to Build a Cryptocurrency Exchange App in 2022

Development of mobile applications *Cryptocurrencies

Do you plan to start a cryptocurrency exchange business? If so, now is the perfect time. The easiest and safest way to make money from cryptocurrencies is to create a crypto-exchange application. Regardless of whether traders and investors make or lose money, the cryptocurrency exchange will remain a winner in any case.

But, how to open a cryptocurrency exchange app? So, let’s look at the main stages of the process.

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“FPGA InsideOut” – animation about CRC and parallel CRC calculation

Open source *FPGA *Programming microcontrollers *Manufacture and development of electronics *Electronics for beginners

Ссылка на русскую версию / link to Russian version

FPGA InsideOut is an attempt to make a set of educational FPGA videos presented in the “human-in-the-loop” style. In these videos we will not only show how we are interfacing with an actual FPGA board but will also provide synchronous real-time visualisation of FPGA's internal logic.

For our first video we have picked a CRC circuit (cycle redundancy check) which is based on a linear feedback shift register. This circuit goes through several transformations during the course of the video. Intrigued? - let’s watch the video.

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Stop losing clients! Or how a developer can test a website, by the example of PVS-Studio. Part 1

PVS-Studio corporate blog IT systems testing *Python *Django *Web services testing *

A website with bugs could be a real pain in the neck for business. Just one 404 or 500 error could end up costing an obscene amount of money for the company and hurt a good reputation. But there is a way to avoid this issue: the website testing. That's sort of what this article is about. After reading this article, you will learn how to test code in Django, create your "own website tester" and much more. Welcome to the article.

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