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Viasphere was founded in 1998 as an incubator and accelerator headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, in the heart of Silicon Valley. The Viasphere management team has a proven track record working with startups having founded, funded, managed and helped guide several at among them BSQUARE Corporation (est. 1995 NASDAQ: BSQR), Mainbrace Corporation (est. 1997 M&A), Savvion, Inc., Security Pacific Home Loans, and Virage Logic (est. 1996 NASDAQ: VLOG). We have extensive experience working with multinationals including Microsoft®, Hitachi, AT&T and others. Our team members have also successfully managed angel and ventures funds in the US and Europe.

Viasphere International owns and operates a state of the art technology park in Armenia, which provides the infrastructure to house low-cost expert development capabilities. The Technopark represents a strategic asset to help client companies achieve cost effective scalability and R&D resources in a reemerging hotbed of science and technology – Armenia, the “Silicon Valley” of the Soviet Union’s high technology defense industry.

We work with a diverse portfolio of companies ranging from applications, platforms, infrastructure, devices, and semiconductor intellectual property (IP).