Jewish population by country

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Jews and those of sufficient Jewish descent to be eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return by country in proportion to the general population (per million people, 2018)
Jewish population by country (1,000s, 2018)

Eligible Jewish population by country (top 12, 2018)

   United States (51%)
   Israel (30%)
   France (3%)
   Canada (3%)
   Russia (3%)
   United Kingdom (2%)
   Argentina (1%)
   Germany (1%)
   Australia (1%)
   Brazil (1%)
   Ukraine (1%)
   Hungary (1%)
  Other (2%)

As of 2021, the world's "core" Jewish population (those identifying as Jews above all else) was estimated at 15.2 million, or 0.19% of the 7.89 billion worldwide population. This number rose to 17.9 million with the addition of the "connected" Jewish population, including those who say they are partly Jewish or that have Jewish backgrounds from at least one Jewish parent, and rose again to 20.9 million with the addition of the "enlarged" Jewish population, including those who say they have Jewish backgrounds but no Jewish parents and all non-Jewish household members who live with Jews. Counting all those who are eligible for Israeli citizenship under Israel's Law of Return, in addition to Israeli Jews, raised the total to 23.7 million.[needs update][1][2][3][4][5][6]

Two countries account for 81% of those recognised as Jews or of sufficient Jewish ancestry to be eligible for citizenship in Israel under its Law of Return: the United States with 51% and Israel with 30% (including the West Bank with 2%). An additional 16% is split between France (3%), Canada (3%), Russia (3%), the United Kingdom (2%), Argentina (1%), Germany (1%), Ukraine (1%), Brazil (1%), Australia (1%), and Hungary (1%), while the remaining 3% are spread around approximately 98 other countries and territories with less than 0.5% each. With nearly 6.8 million Jews, Israel is the only Jewish-majority country and the only explicitly Jewish state.[7]

In 1939, the core Jewish population reached its historical peak of 17 million. Due to the Holocaust, this number was reduced to 11 million by 1945.[8][9][10] The population grew to around 13 million by the 1970s and then recorded almost no growth until around 2005, due to low fertility rates and assimilation of Jews.[9] From 2005 to 2018, the world's Jewish population grew 0.63% annually on average, while world population grew 1.1% annually in the same period.[2] This increase primarily reflected the rapid growth of Haredi and some Orthodox sectors, who remain a growing proportion of Jews.[11]

Recent trends[edit]

Recent Jewish population dynamics are characterized by continued steady increase in the Israeli Jewish population and flat or declining numbers in other countries (the diaspora). The Jewish population of Israel increased from 630,000 at the country's inception in 1948 to 6,135,000 in 2014,[12] while the population of the diaspora has dropped from 10.5 to 8.1 million over the same period.[5] Current Israeli Jewish demographics are characterized by a relatively high fertility rate of 3 children per woman and a stable age distribution.[13] The overall growth rate of Jews in Israel is 1.7% annually.[14] The diaspora countries, by contrast, have low Jewish birth rates, an increasingly elderly age composition, and a negative balance of people leaving Judaism versus those joining.[5]

Immigration trends also favour Israel ahead of diaspora countries. The Jewish state has a positive immigration balance (called aliyah in Hebrew). Israel saw its Jewish numbers significantly buoyed by a million-strong wave of Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union in the 1990s,[15] and immigration growth has been steady (in the low tens of thousands) since then.[16] In the rest of the world, only the United States, Canada, Australia, and Germany have had a positive recent Jewish migration balance outside of Israel. In general, the modern English-speaking world has seen an increase in its share of the diaspora since the Holocaust and the foundation of Israel, while historic diaspora Jewish populations in Eastern Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East have significantly declined or disappeared.[17]

France continues to be home to the world's third largest Jewish community, at around 500,000,[18][19] but has shown an increasingly negative trend. As a long term tend, intermarriage has reduced its "core" Jewish population and increased its "connected" and "enlarged" Jewish populations. More recently, migration loss to Israel amongst French Jews reached the tens of thousands between 2014 and 2017, following a wave of anti-Semitic attacks.[20][21]

According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, between 2010 and 2015 "an estimated one million babies were born to Jewish mothers and roughly 600,000 Jewish died, meaning that the natural increase in the Jewish population – i.e., the number of births minus the number of deaths – was 500,000 over this period".[22] According to the same study, over the next four decades the number of Jews around the world is expected to increase from 14.2 million in 2015 to 20.3 million in 2060.[22]

Debate over United States numbers[edit]

The number of Jews in the United States has been the subject of much debate because of questions over counting methodology. In 2012, Sheskin and Dashefsky put forward a figure of 6.72 million based on a mixture of local surveys, informed local estimates, and US census data. They qualified their estimate with a concern over double counting and suggested the real figure may lie between 6 and 6.4 million.[23] Drawing on their work, the Steinhardt Social Research Institute released their own estimate of 6.8 million Jews in the United States in 2013.[24] These figures are in contrast to Israeli demographer Sergio Della Pergola's number of 5,425,000, also in 2012.[25] He has called high estimates “implausible” and “unreliable” although he revised the United States Jewish number upward to 5.7 million in subsequent years.[26][25] This controversy followed a similar debate in 2001 when the National Jewish Population Survey released a United States Jewish estimate as low as 5.2 million only to have serious methodological errors suggested in their survey.[25] In sum, a confidence interval of a million or more people is likely to persist in reporting on the number of Jewish Americans.

By country[edit]

Below is a list of Jewish populations in the world by country. All data below, but the last column, is from the Berman Jewish DataBank at Stanford University in the World Jewish Population (2018) report coordinated by Sergio DellaPergola at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.[27] The Jewish DataBank figures are primarily based on national censuses combined with trend analysis. "Core" Jewish population refers to those who consider themselves Jews to the exclusion of all else.

  • "Connected" Jewish population, includes the core Jewish population and additionally those who say they are partly Jewish or that have Jewish background from at least one Jewish parent.
  • "enlarged" Jewish population includes the Jewish connected population and those who say they have Jewish background but not a Jewish parent, and all non-Jews living in households with Jews.
  • "eligible" Jewish population includes all those eligible for immigration to Israel under its Law of Return.
  • "National" official population is the Jewish population reported by a national source. Note that the "National" results may not be entirely accurate, as other sources may have conflicting accounts of Jewish populations in some countries.


Countries Core population Connected population Enlarged population Eligible population National
Total pct pmp Total pct pmp Total pct pmp Total pct pmp
 Israel[a] 6,246,700 40 731,198 6,455,611 36 755,651 6,664,509 32 780,103 6,664,509 28 780,103 [7]6,731,012 (2019)
 United States 5,700,000 36 17,378 8,000,000 45 24,390 10,000,000 48 30,488 12,000,000 51 36,585 [28]6,497,836 (2010)
 France[b] 450,000 2.9 6,908 550,000 3.1 8,443 650,000 3.1 9,979 750,000 3.2 11,514 N/A
 West Bank[c] 418,900 2.7 138,539 423,339 2.4 140,007 427,791 2.1 141,479 427,791 1.8 141,479 N/A
 Canada 392,000 2.5 10,538 450,000 2.5 12,262 550,000 2.7 14,986 700,000 3.0 19,074 [29]145,102 (2016)
 United Kingdom[d] 290,000 1.8 4,367 330,000 1.9 4,970 370,000 1.8 5,572 410,000 1.7 6,175 [30][31][32]272,264 (2020)
 Argentina 180,000 1.1 4,045 260,000 1.5 6,095 310,000 1.5 7,449 360,000 1.5 7,901 N/A
 Russia 165,000 1.0 1,120 320,000 1.8 2,180 460,000 2.2 2,997 600,000 2.6 4,087 [33]159,548 (2020)
 Australia 122,800 0.78 4,896 130,000 0.73 5,102 145,000 0.70 5,715 160,000 0.68 6,327 [34]91,932 (2020)
 Germany 116,000 0.74 1,425 150,000 0.84 1,805 225,000 1.1 2,708 275,000 1.2 3,309 [35]84,264 (2020)
 Brazil 92,600 0.59 442 120,000 0.67 577 150,000 0.73 722 180,000 0.77 866 [34]108,402 (2018)
 South Africa 67,500 0.43 1,170 75,000 0.42 1,327 80,000 0.39 1,416 85,000 0.36 1,504 [36]52,823 (2019)
 Ukraine 48,000 0.30 1,135 90,000 0.51 2,293 140,000 0.68 3,310 200,000 0.85 4,728 [37]106,535 (2020)
 Hungary 47,300 0.30 4,827 75,000 0.42 7,653 100,000 0.48 10,204 130,000 0.55 13,265 [34]11,075 (2018)
 Mexico 40,000 0.25 306 45,000 0.25 344 50,000 0.24 382 65,000 0.28 497 [34]68,151 (2018)
 Netherlands 29,800 0.19 1,733 43,000 0.24 2,500 53,000 0.26 3,081 63,000 0.27 3,663 [38]17,133 (2020)
 Belgium 29,100 0.18 2,553 35,000 0.20 3,070 40,000 0.19 3,509 45,000 0.19 3,947 N/A
 Italy 27,400 0.17 452 34,000 0.19 561 41,000 0.20 677 48,000 0.20 792 N/A
 Switzerland 18,500 0.12 2,176 22,000 0.12 2,588 25,000 0.12 2,941 28,000 0.12 3,294 [34]16,931 (2018)
 Chile 18,300 0.12 984 21,000 0.12 1,129 25,000 0.12 1,344 30,000 0.13 1,613 [34]15,126 (2018)
 Uruguay 16,600 0.11 4,743 20,000 0.11 5,714 24,000 0.12 6,857 28,000 0.12 8,000 N/A
 Turkey 14,800 0.094 182 19,000 0.11 234 21,000 0.10 258 23,000 0.098 283 N/A
 Sweden 15,000 0.095 1,471 20,000 0.11 1,961 25,000 0.12 2,451 30,000 0.13 2,941 N/A
 Spain 11,700 0.074 251 15,000 0.084 321 18,000 0.087 385 21,000 0.089 450 N/A
 Belarus 9,000 0.057 947 17,000 0.096 1,789 25,000 0.12 2,632 33,000 0.14 3,474 [39]13,064 (2020)
 Panama 10,000 0.063 2,381 11,000 0.062 2,619 12,000 0.058 2,857 13,000 0.055 3,095 N/A
 Romania 9,000 0.057 462 13,000 0.073 667 17,000 0.082 872 20,000 0.085 1,026 [34]3,554 (2018)
 Austria 10,000 0.063 1,136 14,000 0.079 1,591 17,000 0.082 1,932 20,000 0.085 2,273 [34]8,221 (2018)
 Iran 8,300 0.053 102 10,500 0.059 129 12,000 0.058 147 13,000 0.055 159 [34]9,924 (2018)
 Azerbaijan 7,500 0.048 758 10,500 0.059 1,061 15,500 0.075 1,566 20,500 0.087 2,071 [40]9,175 (2018)
 Venezuela 7,000 0.044 220 10,000 0.056 314 12,000 0.058 377 14,000 0.060 440 [41][42]9,595 (2020)
 New Zealand 7,500 0.048 1,531 8,500 0.048 1,735 9,500 0.046 1,939 10,500 0.045 2,143 [34]6,936 (2018)
 Denmark 6,400 0.041 1,103 7,500 0.042 1,293 8,500 0.041 1,466 9,500 0.040 1,638 N/A
 India 4,800 0.030 4 6,000 0.034 4 7,500 0.036 5 9,000 0.038 7 [43]4,697 (2020)
 Latvia 4,600 0.029 2,421 8,000 0.045 4,211 12,000 0.058 6,316 16,000 0.068 8,421 [44]8,292 (2020)
 Greece 4,200 0.027 396 5,200 0.029 491 6,000 0.029 566 7,000 0.030 660 N/A
 Czech Republic 3,900 0.025 368 5,000 0.028 472 6,500 0.031 613 8,000 0.034 755 [45]1,489 (2020)
 Moldova 1,900 0.012 543 3,800 0.021 1,086 7,500 0.036 2,143 10,000 0.043 2,857 [34]1,617 (2018)
 Uzbekistan 3,000 0.019 91 6,000 0.034 182 8,000 0.039 243 10,000 0.043 304 [46]95,636 (2020)
 Poland 4,500 0.029 117 7,000 0.039 182 10,000 0.048 260 13,000 0.055 339 [47]2,513 (2020)
 Kazakhstan 2,600 0.016 141 4,800 0.027 261 6,500 0.031 353 9,500 0.040 516 [34]5,334 (2018)
 China[e] 3,000 0.019 2 3,200 0.018 2 3,400 0.016 2 3,600 0.015 3 N/A
 Lithuania 2,400 0.015 857 4,700 0.026 1,679 7,500 0.036 2,679 10,500 0.045 3,750 [34]1,241 (2018)
 Slovakia 2,600 0.016 481 3,600 0.020 667 4,600 0.022 852 6,000 0.026 1,111 [48]603 (2020)
 Costa Rica 2,500 0.016 500 2,800 0.016 560 3,100 0.015 620 3,400 0.014 680 N/A
 Colombia 2,100 0.013 42 2,800 0.016 56 3,500 0.017 70 4,500 0.019 90 N/A
 Morocco 2,100 0.013 60 2,500 0.014 71 2,800 0.014 80 3,100 0.013 88 N/A
 Bulgaria 2,000 0.013 286 4,000 0.022 571 6,000 0.029 857 8,000 0.034 1,143 [49]1,174 (2020)
 Estonia 1,900 0.012 1,462 2,700 0.015 2,077 3,500 0.017 2,692 4,500 0.019 3,462 [50]1,940 (2020)
 Peru 1,900 0.012 59 2,400 0.013 75 3,000 0.015 93 3,500 0.015 109 N/A
 Croatia 1,700 0.011 415 2,400 0.013 585 3,100 0.015 756 3,800 0.016 927 [34]546 (2018)
 Georgia 1,500 0.0095 385 3,000 0.017 769 5,000 0.024 1,282 7,500 0.032 1,923 [34]1,431 (2018)
 Ireland 2,600 0.016 531 3,600 0.020 735 5,000 0.024 1,020 6,500 0.028 1,327 [51]1,940 (2020)
 Puerto Rico 1,500 0.0095 455 2,000 0.011 606 2,500 0.012 758 3,000 0.013 909 N/A
 Serbia 1,400 0.0089 200 2,100 0.012 300 2,800 0.014 400 3,500 0.015 500 [34]588 (2018)
 Finland 1,300 0.0082 236 1,600 0.0090 291 1,900 0.0092 345 2,200 0.0094 400 [52]1,104 (2020)
 Norway 1,300 0.0082 245 1,600 0.0090 302 2,000 0.0097 377 2,500 0.011 472 [53]811 (2020)
 Tunisia 1,000 0.0063 86 1,200 0.0067 103 1,400 0.0068 121 1,600 0.0068 138 N/A
 Japan 1,000 0.0063 8 1,200 0.0067 9 1,400 0.0068 11 1,600 0.0068 13 N/A
 Paraguay 1,000 0.0063 145 1,300 0.0073 188 1,600 0.0077 232 1,900 0.0081 275 [34]1,111 (2018)
 Guatemala 900 0.0057 52 1,200 0.0067 70 1,500 0.0073 87 1,800 0.0077 105 N/A
 Singapore 900 0.0057 155 1,000 0.0056 172 1,200 0.0058 207 1,400 0.0060 241 N/A
 Ecuador 600 0.0038 35 800 0.0045 47 1,000 0.0048 59 1,200 0.0051 71 N/A
 Gibraltar 700 0.0044 20,000 800 0.0045 22,857 900 0.0044 25,714 1,000 0.0043 28,571 [34]772 (2018)
 Luxembourg 600 0.0038 1,000 800 0.0045 1,333 1,000 0.0048 1,667 1,200 0.0051 2,000 N/A
 Portugal 600 0.0038 58 800 0.0045 78 1,000 0.0048 97 1,200 0.0051 117 [34]3,092 (2018)
 Bolivia 500 0.0032 44 700 0.0039 62 900 0.0044 80 1,100 0.0047 97 N/A
 Bosnia and Herzegovina 500 0.0032 143 800 0.0045 229 1,100 0.0053 314 1,400 0.0060 400 [54]270 (2020)
 Cuba 500 0.0032 45 1,000 0.0056 90 1,500 0.0073 135 2,000 0.0085 180 N/A
 U.S. Virgin Islands 400 0.0025 3,810 600 0.0034 5,714 700 0.0034 6,667 800 0.0034 7,619 N/A
 Kyrgyzstan 400 0.0025 66 700 0.0039 115 1,000 0.0048 164 1,500 0.0064 246 [55]458 (2020)
 Bahamas 300 0.0019 750 500 0.0028 1,250 700 0.0034 1,750 900 0.0038 2,250 [34]202 (2018)
 Kenya 300 0.0019 6 500 0.0028 10 700 0.0034 14 900 0.0038 18 N/A
 Netherlands Antilles 300 0.0019 926 500 0.0028 1,543 700 0.0034 2,160 900 0.0038 2,778 N/A
 Jamaica 200 0.0013 69 300 0.0017 103 400 0.0019 138 500 0.0021 172 [34]516 (2018)
 Suriname 200 0.0013 333 400 0.0022 667 600 0.0029 1,000 800 0.0034 1,333 [56]190 (2020)
 Thailand 200 0.0013 3 300 0.0017 5 400 0.0019 6 500 0.0021 8 N/A
 Turkmenistan 200 0.0013 34 400 0.0022 68 600 0.0029 102 800 0.0034 136 [57]1,552 (2020)
 Zimbabwe 200 0.0013 14 400 0.0022 29 600 0.0029 43 800 0.0034 57 N/A
 Armenia 100 0.00063 33 300 0.0017 100 500 0.0024 167 700 0.0030 233 [58]137 (2020)
 Bermuda 100 0.00063 1,639 200 0.0011 3,279 300 0.0015 4,918 400 0.0017 6,557 [34]146 (2018)
 Botswana 100 0.00063 45 200 0.0011 91 300 0.0015 136 400 0.0017 182 N/A
 DR Congo 100 0.00063 1 200 0.0011 2 300 0.0015 4 400 0.0017 5 N/A
 Cyprus 100 0.00063 83 200 0.0011 167 300 0.0015 250 400 0.0017 333 N/A
 Dominican Republic 100 0.00063 9 200 0.0011 19 300 0.0015 28 400 0.0017 37 N/A
 Egypt 100 0.00063 1 200 0.0011 2 300 0.0015 3 400 0.0017 4 N/A
 El Salvador 100 0.00063 15 200 0.0011 31 300 0.0015 46 400 0.0017 62 N/A
 Ethiopia 100 0.00063 1 500 0.0028 5 1,000 0.0048 9 2,500 0.011 23 N/A
 Indonesia 100 0.00063 0 200 0.0011 1 300 0.0015 1 400 0.0017 2 N/A
 Malta 100 0.00063 200 200 0.0011 400 300 0.0015 600 400 0.0017 800 N/A
 Namibia 100 0.00063 40 200 0.0011 80 300 0.0015 120 400 0.0017 160 N/A
 Nigeria 100 0.00063 1 200 0.0011 1 300 0.0015 2 400 0.0017 2 N/A
 North Macedonia 100 0.00063 48 200 0.0011 95 300 0.0015 143 400 0.0017 190 [59]72 (2020)
 Madagascar 100 0.00063 4 200 0.0011 8 300 0.0015 11 400 0.0017 15 N/A
 Philippines 100 0.00063 1 200 0.0011 2 300 0.0015 3 400 0.0017 4 N/A
 Slovenia 100 0.00063 48 200 0.0011 95 300 0.0015 143 400 0.0017 190 [34]119 (2018)
 South Korea 100 0.00063 2 200 0.0011 4 300 0.0015 6 400 0.0017 8 N/A
 Syria[f] 100 0.00063 5 200 0.0011 11 300 0.0015 16 400 0.0017 22 N/A
 Taiwan 100 0.00063 4 200 0.0011 8 300 0.0015 13 400 0.0017 17 N/A
 Uganda N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [60]7,261 (2020)
 Aruba N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [34]365 (2018)
 Nicaragua N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [34]215 (2018)
 Barbados N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [34]113 (2018)
 Mauritius N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [34]53 (2018)
 Tajikistan N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [40][61]49 (2020)
 Anguilla N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [34]36 (2018)
 Faroe Islands N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [62]22 (2020)
 Montenegro N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [34]30 (2018)
 British Virgin Islands N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [34]22 (2018)
 Liechtenstein N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [63]47 (2020)
 Falkland Islands N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [34]16 (2018)
 World 15,782,024 100% 1,989 17,794,400 100% 2,243 20,687,800 100% 2,608 23,472,400 100% 2,959 N/A
  1. ^ Including East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, not including the West Bank.
  2. ^ Figures includes France and Monaco. See: History of the Jews in France and History of the Jews in Monaco.
  3. ^ West Bank total population (without East Jerusalem): 2,548,700; Gaza: 1,839,900; Total: 4,388,600. The West Bank also includes 404,600 Jews and 8,600 non-Jewish members of Jewish households, for a total of 413,200 Jews and others. The Jewish population of the West Bank consists of Israeli citizens living in Israeli settlements who are treated as residents of Israel under Israeli law. The reported West Bank total of 2,961,900 includes Palestinian, Jewish and other residents.
  4. ^ Including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
  5. ^ Figures include mainland China and Hong Kong SAR. See: History of the Jews in China and History of the Jews in Hong Kong.
  6. ^ Includes Lebanon.

Remnant and vanished populations[edit]

The above table represents Jews that number at least a few dozen per country. Reports exist of Jewish communities remaining in other territories in the low single digits that are on the verge of disappearing, particularly in the Muslim world, as their reaction to the birth of Israel in 1948 was the persecution of Jews in nearly all Muslim lands; these are often of historical interest as they represent the remnant of much larger Jewish populations. For example, Egypt had a Jewish community of 80,000 in the early 20th century that numbered fewer than 40 as of 2014, mainly because of the forced expulsion movements to Israel and other countries at that time.[64] Despite a 2,000 year history of Jewish presence, there are no longer any known Jews living in Afghanistan, as its last Jewish resident Zablon Simintov fled the country in September 2021.[65] In Syria, another ancient Jewish community saw mass exodus at the end of the 20th century and numbered fewer than 20 in the midst of the Syrian Civil War.[66] The size of the Jewish community in Indonesia has been variously given as 65, 100, or 18 at most over the last 50 years.[67][68] In Yemen due to the ongoing civil war, the Yemenite Jews have faced persecution by the Houthis, who've demanded they convert to Islam or face mandatory expulsion from the country. The Israeli military has conducted operations evacuating the population and moving them to Israel.[69] On 28 March 2021, 13 Jews were forced by the Houthis to leave Yemen, leaving the last four elderly Jews in Yemen.[70][71] According to one report there are six Jews left in Yemen: one woman; her brother; 3 others, and Levi Salem Marahbi (who had been imprisoned for helping smuggle a Torah scroll out of Yemen).[72]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ DellaPergola, Sergio (2020), Dashefsky, Arnold; Sheskin, Ira M. (eds.), "World Jewish Population, 2019", American Jewish Year Book 2019: The Annual Record of the North American Jewish Communities Since 1899, American Jewish Year Book, Cham: Springer International Publishing, vol. 119, pp. 263–353, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-40371-3_8, ISBN 978-3-030-40371-3, S2CID 226747697, retrieved 21 April 2021
  2. ^ a b DellaPergola, Sergio (2019), "World Jewish Population, 2018", in Dashefsky, Arnold; Sheskin, Ira M. (eds.), American Jewish Year Book 2018, American Jewish Year Book, vol. 118, Springer International Publishing, pp. 361–449, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-03907-3_8, ISBN 9783030039066, S2CID 146549764
  3. ^ DellaPergola, Sergio (2018), "World Jewish Population, 2017", in Dashefsky, Arnold; Sheskin, Ira M. (eds.), American Jewish Year Book 2017, American Jewish Year Book, vol. 117, Springer International Publishing, pp. 297–377, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70663-4_7, ISBN 9783319706627
  4. ^ DellaPergola, Sergio (2017), "World Jewish Population, 2016", in Dashefsky, Arnold; Sheskin, Ira M. (eds.), American Jewish Year Book 2016, American Jewish Year Book, vol. 116, Springer International Publishing, pp. 253–332, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-46122-9_17, ISBN 9783319461212
  5. ^ a b c DellaPergola, Sergio (2016), "World Jewish Population, 2015", in Dashefsky, Arnold; Sheskin, Ira M. (eds.), American Jewish Year Book 2015, American Jewish Year Book, vol. 115, Springer International Publishing, pp. 273–364, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24505-8_7, ISBN 9783319245034
  6. ^ DellaPergola, Sergio (2015), "World Jewish Population, 2014", in Dashefsky, Arnold; Sheskin, Ira (eds.), American Jewish Year Book 2014, American Jewish Year Book, vol. 114, Springer International Publishing, pp. 301–393, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09623-0_19, ISBN 9783319096223
  7. ^ a b "Israel's Population Crosses 9 Million Mark!". United With Israel. Retrieved 12 May 2019.
  8. ^ "World Jewish Population - Latest Statistics". Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  9. ^ a b "The continuing decline of Europe's Jewish population". 9 February 2015.
  10. ^ "Chart: The decline of Europe's Jewish population". Washington Post.
  11. ^ "Haredi Orthodox account for bulk of Jewish population growth in New York City - Nation". Jewish Journal. 22 January 2013. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  12. ^ Yaakov Levi. "Israel Population Now 8.3 Million - 75% Are Jewish". Israel National News. Retrieved 6 September 2014.
  13. ^ "Fertility Rates, by Age and Religion". Statistical Abstract of Israel. Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. 11 September 2012. Retrieved 6 September 2013.
  14. ^ "Data: Arab Growth Slows, Still Higher than Jewish Rate". Israel National News. Retrieved 6 September 2014.
  15. ^ Post-Soviet Aliyah and Jewish Demographic Transformation - Mark Tolts.
  16. ^ "Immigration to Israel by Year". Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved 6 September 2014.
  17. ^ "Demography". Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved 6 September 2014.
  18. ^ European Jewish Congress. "The Jewish Community of France". Archived from the original on 29 December 2016. Retrieved 29 September 2017.
  19. ^ "La communauté juive de France compte 550.000 personnes, dont 25.000 à Toulouse". France info. 19 March 2012. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  20. ^ "France tops list for Jewish emigration to Israel". RFI. 6 September 2014. Retrieved 6 September 2014.
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External links[edit]