
Diff is a blog by and for the Wikimedia volunteer community to connect and share learnings, stories, and ideas from across the movement. It is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation

Where did Diff come from?

The name “Diff” is in reference to the wiki interface that displays the difference between one version and another of a Wikipedia page. It also reflects the “difference” our communities and movement make in the world every day.

Diff builds on the experiences of the Wikimedia Blog and Wikimedia Space, and it includes their news archives. 

Can I publish something on Diff?

Yes! All contributors to the Wikimedia movement are welcome to submit an article. Diff has a simple and accessible editorial process, to encourage participation from all — especially under-represented communities. Additionally, content on Diff can be written and translated in multiple languages. You can learn more about the editorial process and checklist for publishing

The scope of the Diff Blog is news about the Wikimedia movement, for the Wikimedia movement. Some examples:

  • News produced by committees and affiliates, like the ones posted in wikimedia-l.
  • Links to interesting Wikimedia stories and discussions published in other channels.
  • News about Wikimedia partners, the ecosystem of free knowledge and other current events that are connected with the Wikimedia movement and are targeted to Wikimedia contributors.
  • Announcements, requests for feedback, reports, newsletters… produced by the Wikimedia Foundation for community audiences.

News with an unclear impact on the Wikimedia movement and opinion articles are out of scope.

How do I get started?

First you’ll need to authenticate with your Wikimedia account (use the “Login with MediaWiki” button). Then you can start a draft and submit it for publication. The editorial board will review and discuss scheduling publication with you. Take a look at the Editorial guidelines for more detailed information. 

I have a question

Diff is supported by the Communications department at the Wikimedia Foundation. You can leave a note on the Diff project talk page on Meta or email us at [email protected]. Bug reports and feature requests can be made on Phabricator. Please add the #diff-blog tag when creating new tasks.