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xProfile Field Groups with xProfile Fields on Group Overview Page

  • Onlineplaner


    Hi Buddypress and Members,

    Is there a way to display a “xProfile Field Group Name” by slug for example, with the fieldnames as links below the group name, on the groups overview page. The link would show the searchresult for the members having selected this field value in their profile. So actually it would just need to get the Keyword for the fieldname.

    That is to make an overview page with more details on how the members are sorted.

    Obviously the field is not related to a user ID.

    – Group “Sports”
    – Profile Field Group “Display: Disciplins”
    – Profile group fields “Links: Tennis, Football, Rugby” (By clicking on the link you get to see all members that have selected the link search item)
    – Group “Hobbies”
    – Profile Field Group “Display: Disciplins”
    – Profile group fields “Links: Dance, Drawing, Programming” (By clicking on the link you get to see all members that have selected the link search item)

    In my mind the logik would be something like “get all fieldnames from field group “ID” and make a link to search page”.
    <a href="/members/member_?search=###fieldname###">###fieldname###</a>

    Kind regards

    Rolf Service – Onlineplaner

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  • Onlineplaner


    A little detail more to the fields the user values have been entered.

    The field in detail would be a checkbox with the options name you can click on.

    So that would be

    – Field Group name
    – Field Name
    – Field Options as a link

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