A Message From Our CEO

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Make Training Data Your Competitive Advantage

Launch Faster - Sama's proprietary MicroModel™ technology automates data annotation. Get predictably higher accuracy in half the time.

We offer the highest quality SLA (>95%), even on the most complex workflows. Our team assists with anything from implementing a robust quality rubric to raising edge cases.


As an ethical AI company, we have provided economic opportunities for over 52,000 people from underserved and marginalized communities.


ML Assisted annotation created up to 3-4x efficiency improvement for a single class annotation. We quickly adapt to ramp-ups, focus shifts, and edge cases.


ISO certified delivery centers, biometric authentication, and user authentication with 2FA ensure a secure work environment.

The Training Data Platform Trusted by
the World’s Most Ambitious AI Teams

CLI & API Integration
Data Selection and Filtering
Iterative Instructions
Quality Training Data
Multi-Level Quality Checks
Model Optimization
Detailed Reports and Analytics
Seamlessly re-prioritize tasks, provide quality feedback and monitor models in production. We support data of all types.
Get more with less. We combine machine learning and humans in the loop to filter data and select images relevant to your use case.
Receive sample results based on your initial guidelines. We work with you to identify edge cases and recommend annotation best practices.
Get high-volume training data throughput with our advanced platform capabilities and highly trained annotators.
Gold tasks and advanced scripting detects errors early in the pipeline and our skilled QA team focuses on solving edge cases.
Quickly identify issues in the results of your algorithms and optimize their performance to bring them to production faster.
Get deep insights into your projects, including precise data on frame level annotation and edge cases. Our tailored reports help you prioritize and get your model to market faster.

In a partner we’re looking for someone that can handle the volumes of data that we can generate, and handle those volumes in a quality manner. Sama is able to fulfill our business requirements, and do that cost effectively, but they have the added benefit of being an impact provider.

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Steve Heck

Former CTO, Getty Images

The Ethical AI Supply Chain: Purpose Built for Impact

Impact is at the core of everything we do. We are driving an ethical supply chain that meaningfully improves employment and income outcomes for those with the greatest barriers to work
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Sama’s openness to evaluate the impact of their programs with the rigor of a randomized control trial was refreshing and shows that they’re a leader in the movement toward ethical practices within the AI industry.

David Atkin, Professor of Economics, MIT


High-Quality Annotated Data at Scale

Get in touch today to learn how Sama can solve your training data and machine learning model validation needs.