GitHub Enterprise Server 3.4 improves developer productivity and adds reusable workflows to CI/CD

The GitHub Enterprise Server 3.4 release candidate delivers enhancements to make life easier and more productive.

GitHub Enterprise Server 3.4 improves developer productivity and adds reusable workflows to CI/CD
By Ian Marsh February 15, 2022

The GitHub Enterprise Server 3.4 release candidate is here. This update includes enhancements to make developing software even easier for everyone, with a host of improvements for security, compliance, and administration teams.

It brings over 60 new features, including:

  • Reusable workflows for GitHub Actions (#257)
  • Dependabot security updates (#343)
  • Ruby support for GitHub Advanced Security’s code scanning feature (#136)
  • Productivity enhancements for developers including keyboard shortcuts, auto-generated release notes, and more

Remember, release candidates are a way for users and developers to try the latest features ahead of general availability, and it helps us gather feedback early. They should be tested on non-production environments.

Download the release candidate now, or read more about the release candidate process.

Dependabot keeps code secure and dependencies fresh

Dependabot is now available in GitHubEnterprise Server 3.4 as a public beta. Dependabot security updates and Dependabot version updates for popular ecosystems helps your organization stay secure.

  • Dependabot version updates: users can add a Dependabot configuration file to the repository to enable Dependabot to create pull requests when a new version of a tracked dependency is released.

  • Dependabot security updates: users can toggle a repository setting to enable Dependabot to create pull requests when GitHub detects a vulnerability in one of the dependencies of the dependency graph for the repository.

Read more about setting up Dependabot security and version updates and share your feedback with us here


GitHub Advanced Security enhancements

GitHub Advanced Security’s code scanning engine, CodeQL, adds support for another language, Ruby, which is now available in public beta. The following libraries and frameworks have been added to improve the depth of CodeQL’s Python analysis. These libraries and frameworks are carefully selected and prioritized based on their popularity and through user feedback.

  • Ruby support
  • Python enhancements
  • Secret scanning enterprise API

There are some helpful updates to the GitHub APIs too – the new enterprise-level secret scanning REST API now supports reports the location of secrets, and the new endpoint will surface details of a secret’s first detection within a file, including the secret’s location and commit SHA.

Build a library of reusable workflows

With the introduction of reusable workflows, your users can use the entire workflow as if it were an action to help build even faster. Instead of copying and pasting workflow definitions across repositories, users can reference an existing workflow with a single line of configuration. Reusable workflows helps your organization with standardization and compliance benefits across the enterprise.

Learn more about reusable workflows, or check out this awesome guide on how to start using reusable workflows with GitHub Actions.

actions workflow example

Administrator updates

It can be difficult for repository administrators to calculate the effective permissions of repository members, especially those with inherited permissions. The new “Manage Access” tab simplifies the user management of access and helps untangle mixed role assignments. Improved pagination and performance enhancements mean that repository administrators can reliably manage even the most popular repositories. These changes create a cohesive experience for the admin to update current user management.

repository access management

What else is new?

Review not required

Requiring pull requests and requiring approving reviews are now separate options for protecting a branch. For example, users can now require pull requests without requiring reviews, or with requiring approving reviews. This flexibility lets you choose what is best for you and your branches. This is just one of a number of improvements to branch administration. Read about the rest in the release notes.


For more information, see the GitHub Changelog entry

Participants go to the top

The @mention suggester now makes smarter recommendations. Users who have participated will be listed ahead of other suggestions when @mentioning in issues, pull requests, and discussions.
at mention suggester improvements

Give your organization a README page

Organizations can now publish a to talk about the work they are doing, to invite contribution, or guide readers to specific repositories. Learn more at the GitHub Overview page for an example, or review the documentation.

organization readme example image

Try it out today

To learn more about GitHub Enterprise Server 3.4, read the release notes, and download it now.

Not using GitHub Enterprise Server already? Start a free trial to innovate faster with the platform developers know and love.

February 22, 2022: We’ve updated the post to remove a reference to a capability that’s still in beta.