Learn how to write your own GitHub JavaScript Action! This course will empower you to begin automating customized tasks unique to your workflow.
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GitHub Actions is a powerful platform that empowers your team to go from code to cloud all from the comfort of your own repositories.
Over the duration of this course you will learn the skills needed to begin using and customizing GitHub Actions to fit your unique workflow scenarios.
In this course you will learn how to:
You'll know the answers to questions like:
In this course you will build three actions that each accomplish different tasks designed to demonstrate the flexibility of creating and consuming JavaScript Based Actions.
First, you will start with the traditional "Hello World!" program which will teach you where to find the output of a workflow run. You will then modify this "Hello World!" action to accept input
parameters which allow the action to be more dynamic.
Second, you will write an action that call upon an external API to retrieve a fact about cats and prints it to the workflows output. You will then modify this cat fact action to set the retrieved data as output
for another action in the workflow to consume.
Lastly, you will write a third action that will open an issue in your repository making the cat fact available to everyone. You will learn how to use the output
of previous actions as input
for current actions in this step.
We first recommend taking the following courses:
This makes use of the following open source projects. Consider exploring these repos and maybe even making contributions!
Developers, DevOps Engineers, students, teams
Create a pull request to add a workflow
Wait for GitHub to run the workflow and report back the results
Prepare the workflow for your future action
Add an Action reference to the workflow file
Lets prepare your environment to start writing Actions
Create an action.yml file and add necessary metatdata for our Action
Add code to main.js file
View the results of adding input parameter
Write a new Action that calls an external API
Comment out the lines in the workflow to prevent unwanted runs
Create a directory for your new action dependencies
Add action.yml file for new joke action
Add joke.js and main.js to your Action
Edit the workflow file to now use the newly created joke Action
Wait for your Action to present you with a joke
Create an Action that consumes output from another Action and uses Octokit
Create the metadata for the third Action
Create the JavaScript files for the third Action
Add a pull request label to trigger the workflow
Final notes before you go
583 minutes
All public courses on Learning Lab are free.
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