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Intermediate NodeJS Course

This tutorial expands on concepts in the intro to Node.js and Express.js course. You will learn how to use a database (MongoDB) to Create, Read, Update, and Delete data.

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This tutorial expands on concepts in the intro to Node.js and Express.js course. You will learn how to use a database (MongoDB) to Create, Read, Update, and Delete data.
Steps to complete this course 10
  1. Intro

    Overview of project

  2. Set-up

    Install and setup your developer environment

  3. Create user model

    Create a user model for MongoDB using mongoose.js

  4. Using mongoose with express

    Learn how a mongoose model is used with express routes

  5. Using the mongo shell

    Visualize and manipulate data on the commande line

  6. Create Users

    Use the User.create method to post new users

  7. Read Users

    Get data from a user using an id

  8. Update users

    Update data with a put request

  9. Delete users

    Delete users with a delete request

  10. Refactor, Reduce, Reuse

    Make your routes easy to maintain by refactoring repetitive code

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Average time to complete

467 minutes


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