How Much Does It Cost to Replace or Repair Subflooring?

Typical Range:

$1,075 - $2,520

Find out how much your project will cost.

Cost data is based on research by HomeAdvisor.

Updated March 14, 2022

Reviewed by Robert Tschudi, Expert Home Building and Remodeling Contributor.

Written by HomeAdvisor.

Cost to Replace, Repair, or Install Subfloor

Subfloor material prices range between $1.50 and $7 per square foot

The average cost to replace or repair a plywood subfloor in a 306-square-foot room costs $550, or between $500 and $600. The average cost to install a new plywood subfloor is $620, or between $570 and $720.

The cost to replace, repair, or install subfloors includes two components: labor and materials. The labor costs for a professional to work on subflooring are usually between $25 and $30 per hour, but it will vary based on your location and if the job is particularly complex. Cost for materials will depend on what type of material you select.

Plywood is the most common material. However, it can also be constructed from oriented strand board (OSB) and a variety of other products with moisture barriers and other features. For an average-size kitchen at 306 square feet, plywood subfloor materials would cost $460; using a specialty brand material like Amdry would cost $920.

2022 Notice: Material Prices Are Surging

Demand for lumber and other building materials has grown over the past year. And, as a result, manufacturers are increasing materials prices. Prices have gone up 5% to 10% this year, and many parts of the country are experiencing long delivery times. If you're planning a building project, we recommend starting as early as possible in the season, preparing for potential price fluctuations, and allowing extra time to order materials.

Average Subfloor Replacement and Installation Cost*

Average Cost$550
High Cost$720
Low Cost$500

*for a 306-square-foot floor

Cost to Replace Subflooring

Replacing subfloors will cost between $1.50 and $7 per square foot for materials. Labor costs will be around $27.50 per hour. The project requires the removal of the finished flooring and damaged area and the installation of a new material.

Factors that will influence the labor cost include:

  • Moving appliances and/or furniture

  • Removing existing flooring and subflooring

  • Hauling old materials away

  • Installing or repairing subflooring

  • Possibly installing a new finished surface

  • Replacing appliances and furniture

Subfloor Cost per Square Foot

The subfloor material makes up a large portion of the total project cost, with materials ranging from $1.50 to $7 per square foot.

MaterialsPrice per Square Foot

Plywood Subfloor

Plywood costs around $40 to $50 per 4-by-8-foot panel. That equates to around $1.50 per square foot for a 5/8-inch panel. For a 306-square-foot room, that's a total of $459. If you choose a thicker grade of plywood, the cost will increase.

DRIcore® Subfloor Panels

DRIcore brand panels are good for basements or other areas prone to moisture. Panels cost about $7 per 2-by-2-foot panel or about $536 for a 306-square-foot room.

DRIcore is an engineered product designed to reduce moisture absorption.

Amdry Insulated Subflooring

An insulated, moisture-proof brand for basements, Amdry costs $3 per square foot, or $920 for a 306-square-foot room. You must also purchase connectors to complete the installation. A package of 15 connectors costs about $20.

Amdry has a moisture barrier designed to work well over concrete slabs.

Tyroc Subfloor 

Made from recycled rubber and compressed magnesium oxide, Tyroc costs about $2.70 per square foot. That's $830 for a 306-square-foot room.


An option that warms floors and dampens sound, panels of Barricade cost $2.25 per square foot or $690 for a 306-square-foot room.

Warmboard for Radiant Heated Flooring

Used with radiant heat hydronic systems, Warmboard costs about $7 per square foot or $2,200 for a 306-square-foot room. Adding radiant floor heating costs between $1,750 and $6,000.

Best Basement Subfloor Option

The best basement subfloor option includes a built-in moisture barrier. Brands like DRIcore or Amdry include this. If you're looking for the most inexpensive option for subflooring, plywood is the best option.

How to Calculate Subfloor Costs

Calculate the amount of subflooring you'll need by determining the amount of square footage to be covered. To do this, multiply the length by width to get the total square footage. To determine the cost, multiply the total square footage by the material cost per square foot.

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Cost of Removal

Labor fees also make up a significant portion of the total project cost, with contractors charging $25 to $30 per hour to remove subflooring. A contractor will remove the finished portion of the floor, cut out sections of subflooring, and haul away the debris.

Cost to Replace Plywood Subfloor vs. DRIcore

Installation doesn't change very much from one type to the other, so labor costs will be similar. A contractor will charge anywhere from $25 to $30 per hour to remove existing finished flooring and subflooring and the same hourly rate to install new subflooring of either type.

  • Plywood: $1.50 per square foot in materials

  • DRIcore: $1.65 per square foot for materials

Cost to Replace Kitchen and Bathroom Subfloors

Expect to pay somewhere around $27.50 per hour for labor. A kitchen or bath might cost more in labor in case pros need to move appliances, bathtubs, and toilets. Many flooring contractors will do this for you, but don't be afraid to ask your pro.

After removing the damaged section of subflooring, your pro will need to replace it. You may also need to replace the finished flooring or ask the contractor to reuse the existing flooring, if possible. You'll also need to factor in the cost of materials, and since water is a concern in the kitchen and bath, you may want to opt for a more expensive type of moisture-proof subfloor.

Cost to Replace the Subfloor in a Mobile Home

Expect to pay between $2 and $2.75 per square foot for both labor and materials. Since the job is specialized, it's best to hire a professional to complete the work.

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Subfloor Water Damage Repair Cost

Subfloor water damage is a common reason why many homeowners need to replace or repair their subflooring. The cost to repair or replace plywood subfloors will be $1.50 per square foot for materials and between $25 and $30 per hour for labor.

Replace if:

  • Water sits for an extended period, such as during a flood

  • Carpet or laminate becomes thoroughly soaked, degrading the subfloor

Repair if:

  • Moisture dried quickly

  • Water was contained to a small area

Other Common Repairs

Other repairs will cost around $25 or $30 per hour in labor plus the cost of materials.

  • Sloping, either in spots or an entire floor

  • Waves caused by settling or water damage

  • Gaps

  • Dry rot

  • Pest damage

Water-damaged floor repairs can cost between $200 and $550. For information on how to repair hardwood, laminate, or other top flooring, check out our flooring repair cost guide.

Cost to Install New Subflooring

Installing subflooring in a 306-square-foot-room typically costs between $572 and $2,400. The low estimate is based on using plywood and 4.5 hours labor at $25. The high estimate includes using Warmboard brand subfloor and 8.5 labor hours at $30.

Installation Material Prices

When installing new flooring, you need to factor in the cost of installation materials if you're planning to also replace the finished flooring. Materials such as moisture-proof underlayment or carpet padding will go between the subfloor and finished floor.

  • Hardwood floors require black tar paper that costs between $10–$20 for a 432-square-foot roll.

  • Laminate requires foam padding underlayment, if it doesn't already have it attached. The price is usually less than a dollar per square foot, and it comes in a 100-square-foot roll.

  • Carpet requires padding at a cost of about $1 per square foot.

Additionally, you may need threshold transition pieces, tack strips, and quarter rounds. Quarter rounds that match your floor costs between $1 and $3 per linear foot. A white quarter round is between $0.20 and $0.85 per linear foot. Tack strips cost between $25 and $50 for a pack of 100.

DIY vs. Hiring a Flooring Contractor

Installing subflooring requires a good amount of expertise. While it's possible to do it yourself, hiring an experienced professional will ensure your floors are level and capable of supporting your furniture and appliances. A professional will help determine if you need a moisture barrier to prevent future water damage. Get in touch with a qualified professional today.

FAQs About Subfloors

What are the signs I need to repair my subfloor?

There are many signs you should repair your subfloor, including squeaks, weak spots, cracked tiles, cupping floorboards, and musty smells. 

Can you put a new subfloor over an old subfloor?

It depends. If the current subflooring is in good condition, you may be able to apply a new subflooring over top. However, if there are broken or worn parts on the current subflooring or if it’s rotting or decaying, it’s best to remove what’s there and start from the beginning.

What goes under and over a subfloor?

Joists are the wooden framing that’s under the subfloor, while an underlayment or a floor covering goes over the subfloor. The underlayment is a thin material that’s there to provide a flat surface for the floor covering, whereas the floor covering is what you see and walk on, like carpet.

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