Promoting your apps

Take advantage of marketing guidance, tools, promotional offers, and more to help drive discovery of your app, in-app purchases, and subscriptions. Learn about opportunities to get your app featured on the App Store and across Apple marketing channels.

App Store marketing tools

Generate short links or embeddable code that lead to your App Store product page and display your app icon, a QR code, or an App Store badge. You can also create custom marketing assets — such as banners and images — and add preset messages in multiple languages to promote your apps in your advertising efforts.

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Additional artwork and guidelines

Showcase your app on your website, in your emails, and on social media with Apple product images and App Store badge.

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Smart App Banners

Make it easy for users to download or open your app from your website. With Safari Smart App Banners, you can display a banner that provides a direct link to your app on the App Store or opens the app if it’s already installed.

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Apple Search Ads

Use Apple Search Ads to promote your app in more places on the App Store. Be seen before customers search with ads on the Search tab and engage with customers at the moment they search with ads at the top of search results. Available in 61 regions. Try it for free with a 100 USD credit.

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App Clip Codes

App Clip Codes are the best way for your users to discover your App Clip and app. These codes are visually beautiful and distinct, so when someone sees one, they’ll know there’s an App Clip waiting for them. Each code encodes the URL for an App Clip into its design and can incorporate an NFC tag, allowing users to launch your App Clip by holding their iPhone near the App Clip Code or by scanning it through the camera.

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Promo codes

Give press and influencers early access to your app or your app’s in-app purchases with promo codes configured in App Store Connect. You can give away up to 100 promo codes per version of your app, per platform — and up to 100 promo codes per in-app purchase.

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Subscription offer codes

Acquire, retain, and win back subscribers by letting them experience your subscription at a discount or for free for a limited time. Provide these codes digitally or offline at physical events, alongside products, and more.

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Product page

Every element of your App Store product page has the power to drive downloads of your app. Help customers discover your app through thoughtfully crafted metadata, such as app previews, screenshots, promotional text, and more.

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Custom product pages

Create additional versions of your app’s product page to highlight specific features or content, discoverable through unique URLs that you share.

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Build excitement for your new app by making it available for pre-order. Your product page will be published on the App Store and customers can order your app before it’s released for download. When you opt in, you’ll choose a download release date that’s two to 180 days in the future.

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App bundles

App bundles make it easy for customers to buy up to 10 of your apps or games in a single purchase. You can create app bundles for paid apps or free apps that offer an auto-renewable subscription to access all apps in the bundle. Learn how to set up app bundles and effectively market them on your product page.

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In-app purchases

Users can browse in-app purchases directly on the App Store and start a purchase even before downloading your app, helping your app’s content gain exposure. You can promote up to 20 in-app purchases, including subscriptions, on your app’s product page.

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Additional capabilities

Let customers know that your app provides additional features with Apple technologies.