
Love Lives On

I have delayed in writing these words. In my mind, I start it, but I can’t finish it. Things become too blurry, because it’s hard to see through tears. So many times I wonder why God moves us, and puts us in different positions. Then after something major happens, it’s then we begin to see His reasons, His will, and His purpose.

Before moving back to Mississippi, I would always try my best to keep in touch with my family. I love my family. They’re very dear to me. When everyone in the world fails you or lets you down, you will always have family. I would call my mom multiple times a day. I would call my aunt’s very often. I talked to my brothers everyday. I also tried my best to call my grandparents every week.

My mom’s mother, Momaw Haddox, was very special to me. Many summers growing up were spent at her house. Through her, I gained alot of knowledge about any and everything. Probably one the best things I gained from her was a love for cooking. She cooked every day, and was very good at it! She was also one who loved Jesus. I loved to be in a church service where she was allowed to testify! She was an anointed woman of God, and would preach the church walls down with her testimonies!

She was a mother of 6 children, grandmother of 13 grandchildren, and great-grandmother of 4 great-grandchildren. Besides spending alot of my time at her house in the summers, I absolutely loved going to her house on Sunday after church for lunch. When I had planned to move back to Mississippi, I was very excited that I would get that chance again. This time, I would do most of the cooking. I moved home on November 28, 2008. She only lived about 15 minutes away, so I went to her house several times once I moved back.

About two weeks after I moved on, I drove to her house. I can’t remember my reasons for driving over there, but one of them was to see my Aunt Marie who lived nextdoor to her. My Aunt Marie has had many medical problems within the past 2 years, and currently is unable to walk. Living in Nashville, I never got to see her much. My plans for that day were to stop in and say hello to my grandmother, and then spend some time with my aunt. I remember needing to be home before a certain time.

As I sat at my grandmother’s house talking to her and my step-grandpa, something kept me there. We began to talk about the Lord, and all the things He had been doing in our lives. I was able to share with her about the time I really experienced a true salvation with Jesus. As usual, we began to just sit there in the living room and “preach” to each other. Almost as if we were having a Bible study/church service in her living room. Tears came to her eyes, as they did mine.

She began to tell me about the time when she received the Holy Ghost in her life. She went on to talk about how much of a change she felt in her body when that moment happened, just as I had described to her about my experience. She talked about how she loved all her children, and how she wanted to see all of them serving the Lord with all their might. If anyone displayed a desire to serve God, it was her. It was a beautiful time…. right there in her living room. Just by simply lifting up the Name of Jesus and talking about His goodness and mercy!

Before I knew it, time had flew by, and I had to get home…. barely getting to say hey to my Aunt. It never hit me that I would have much more time to spend with my aunt, than what I would my Momaw. December 29, 2008, we get a phone call. Momaw had gotten sick, and my Papa had to take her to the emergency room. Mom and I immediately went, and things were not looking good. The doctor’s were coding her. She had had a heart attack.

The next 20 hours were such a blur. I was believing in my heart that nothing was wrong. Just a heart attack, and that she would be fine. The next morning, I visited her in ICU, and she was just laying there. She looked like a completely different person. My heart sank to the bottom of my chest, because I knew that things were looking good. While on life support, her body shut down and my Momaw passed from this world, into the arms of Jesus in Heaven.

This was so unexpected. This wasn’t suppose to happen. I was suppose to spend several more Sundays at her house cooking, and having family time. She was just perfectly fine 2 days before when I had seen her. Our family had already been through alot, and we just didn’t understand.

Life is never easy to understand, but there is one thing I know…. God is still God! He’s still in control. Everyone of us at one point in life has said- everything happens for a reason. We may not like those reasons, but we all know that it is true. God had placed the desire in my heart to move back to Mississippi to take care of my mom. Little did I know, that He also sent me back to Mississippi to spend those last few weeks with my Momaw.

As we visited her body at the funeral, there was such a peace and calm that came to my spirit. On the outside, I was hurting! But on the inside, there was peace. While I reflected, my memory brought me back to that day just a couple weeks before her death, to when I heard her say with her own words about how Jesus was living in her heart…. and heard her talk about her relationship with Him.

Jesus tells us that He is the Way, He is the Truth, and that He is the Life. Noone can come to the Father, except through Him. Momaw knew the Way. She knew the Truth. And she knew the Life and the life that she had in Him! Because of that, she is in Heaven with her Savior. The One she gave her life to.

She wasn’t here on earth when the Doctor told my mom that she’s completely fine. She wasn’t here on earth when all of my Mom’s hair grew back. She won’t be here on earth when my Aunt Marie starts walking again. She won’t be here on earth to see all her children, grandchildren, and others as they serve God, live for Him, and have a relationship with Him. But from Heaven’s view, she sees it. I believe that when her family experiences pain, part of her experiences it too.

Today, I ask myself how can I, her grandson, carry on her love? And my answer is simple- let the Love of Jesus (who gave her that love to begin with) live so strong in my heart. When people see me, I don’t want them to see my past. I don’t want them to see my mistakes, my struggles, my failures, or my flaws. But what I want them to see, is the love of Jesus. Even though she may be gone, love lives on. Love will always live on.

“Even though I cry like crazy, even though it hurts so bad. I’m thankful for the time God gave me, even though we couldn’t make it last. I’m learning how to live without you, even though I don’t want to. And even with you gone, love lives on.”

Will you chose today to let His love live in your life? If you’re wondering how does it start, it starts by loving Him! With all your heart, your soul, and mind.


“If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all His commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above the nations on earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God.” Deuteronomy 28:1-2

The word “obedience” has been in my spirit lately, so I wanted to take a few moments to share what the Lord has laid on my heart. All throughout life, we never stop learning to obey. As a child, one of the first lessons you learn is to obey your parents. The next step includes obeying your teachers. As you get older, there’s obedience in the workplace. Most importantly, and above all these things, we must obey our Heavenly Father.

Why is obedience such a hard thing? I know in my personal life, it’s not always been an easy thing. I have been on so many roads, but the easiest road is always that of obedience. The closer that I get to my Jesus, the more I find a need and desire to always be obedient to Him. Whether it’s to His voice, to His guidance, or to His direction, I always want to live in obedience to Him.

A couple of months ago, I felt Him speak to my spirit an act of obedience that I was to follow. I loved Nashville. It was where I always wanted to live. Every time I was away for a couple of days, I would be so ready to get back. I never wanted to leave. But, He said it was time. I wanted to argue with Him, but I chose not to. I simply prayed this: “Lord, if You are wanting me to move back to Mississippi, then You must close all the doors here. Please open the ones that need to be open.”

My apartment lease was ending the end of November. There were many times that I had wanted to leave my job because of situations, but God never would release me. This time, He did. Everything began to close peacefully. I knew that if I didn’t obey Him, then I would end up in a miserable state of mind. As God would have it, I moved to Jackson the end of November. I never had to get out and search for a job; one opened right away. I didn’t have to search for a place to live; it all worked itself out.

I can’t begin to explain how good God has been to me since I have been back. These verses describe my life right now. I could list so many testimonies of the little things that He has done to bless me. He has taken me to a whole new level with Him, and for that I give Him praise.

When we chose to obey Him, His Word, what He says, then He can and will do some amazing things in our life. Wherever you may be, you have not gone too far away to turn to the road of obedience. You know what’s right, but it’s your choice to get on that road. Obey Him, and all His blessings will come upon you and accompany you!

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7


We all reach points in our life where we need a Word from the Lord to boost our faith. Events from the last couple weeks have left my spirit needing a faith-booster. Thankfully, we serve a God who is always on time. Even though we might have to wait a long time, His Word will be delivered when we need it most.


This morning I got what I’m calling a “God-call” by a Pastor friend from North Carolina. He is an incredible man of God, and has a great ministry that God is using in mighty ways. His spirit read right through mine, and he began to minister to me and speak faith to me through the following thoughts.


So many times when we are going through something, it is so easy for us to constantly talk about it. Even as a strong believer in what the power of God can do, I am guilty of focusing on my problems instead of the Problem Solver. I think the reason why this happens is because we begin to pray and speak what we see, and not what we know. What we see is our present circumstances, but because we are a believer in Jesus, we know that He is able to take care of all our problems.


Are you battling something in your mind? Maybe it’s a fear. Maybe it’s a struggle of some sort. Whatever it is, He is able to set you free by His spirit. “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” What you have to do is pray that to Him, because it is what you know!


Are you battling a sickness? Maybe you have been praying for healing over your body for a while now, but because you keep getting weaker, so does your faith. Ask yourself this, when is the last time you’ve spoken His healing Words? You may have prayed “Lord, heal me.” You see, when you begin to tell Him His Word, then He sees your faith. Instead of praying “Lord, heal me,” try praying “Lord, Your Word says that you were wounded for my transgressions. You were bruised for my iniquities. The chastisement of my peace was upon You, and by Your stripes I am healed.”


You’ve read His Word. You know what is says. It says to walk by faith, and not by sight. We are unable to figure things out on our own. We are unable to conquer situations on our own. But by faith, we are able to move mountains.


My whole point of this blog is to remember this: pray what you know (He is your healer. He is your provider), not what you see (present circumstances). He will see what you know (your faith)!

“I will bless the LORD at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Psalm 34:1


Unless you live inside, you know the atmosphere outside has changed. Because I am from south Mississippi, I am not too fond of Tennessee winters. I will admit, it is much better than being hot!


Over the last couple of weeks, I keep hearing the Holy Spirit speak to me about an “atmosphere of praise.” After searching the Scriptures, I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about how everyday, we should live in an atmosphere of praise. I love what the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 34:1. He said “I WILL bless the Lord at all times.” He didn’t say just some of the time, but at all times. I don’t know about you, but blessing the Lord at all times is hard for me.


Each day, we face situations, temptations, mood changes, and circumstances that want to keep up from blessing the Lord, and giving Him praise. The second part of the verse says that “His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” I love how sincere the Psalmist was.

It didn’t matter what came his way, he said he would do this at all times. This verse is such a challenge to my spirit. I believe that when we wake up each morning and bless the Lord, we create an atmosphere of praise. When there is praise, His presence reigns.


Here are a few ideas to help you create that atmosphere of praise, so that you too can “bless the Lord at all times.”


You wake up before your alarm clock goes off: (This really frustrates me!) Don’t get aggravated. Lay there and praise God that He woke you up this morning. Thank Him that He has put breath in your body today.


There is no hot water: praise God that you do have running water! I spent a summer in Nicaragua. Water was delivered to our house every few days. We had to be very sparse with it. If we ran out, then it was our fault. We had to wait until it was delivered again.


Your breakfast burns: praise God that you do have food to eat! With all the poverty in the world, we must always be thankful we have food!


You get stuck in traffic: praise God that He has kept you from having a wreck a mile ahead of you. I know this has happened to me several times. I’ll get aggravated because I am stuck in traffic, but then see a wreck a few miles up the road. His hand of protection is upon us, and we should praise Him for keeping us safe from the wreck.


I could go on and on with other situations that happen to us each day, but I think you get the point. Psalm 71:8 says “Let my mouth be filled with Thy praise and with Thy honor all the day.” No matter what your day may be like, you can still bless the Lord. When you do that, His presence will surround you and your mountains will turn into a grain of sand.

Cast It Down

I Corinthians 10:4-5 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;). Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”
Within the past year, God has taught me some amazing things about Himself and His Word. One of the greatest things I’ve learned is changing my way of thinking. When we change our way of thinking, God can change our life. It’s a simple idea, though sometimes it’s not always easy. There are so many books out there about positive thinking. I believe that the greatest tool that helps us to think positive is not found in a book, but found in the Word of God.
If you’re like me, and human, then we all have thoughts each day that are not always pleasing. Whether it be a fear, a temptation, or another sinful thought, we deal with them each day. We have a couple of options; we can act on it, or choose to think of something else. Which one is easier? Acting on it would be the right answer, but not the right thing to do. Let me give you a few thoughts on what to do when that bad thought enters your mind.
We read in the first line of 1 Corinthians 10:5 that we should cast down imaginations. So, the first thing we must do is to take capture of that thought instantly. If we don’t, it leads to imaginations. The word imagination by definition means the action or process of forming images. When we start imagining, we form images in our mind of us acting on the sin. We see our selves doing it.
In verse 4, we know our weapon is the Word, and through the power of God, He is able to help us pull down the strong holds. If we keep imagining, it becomes a stronghold. The enemy holds us to it. He tells us that we can’t stop smoking because it would be too hard. He tells us that a marriage on the rocks can’t be restored. He tells us that the sin we struggle with each day will take power over our body. He tells us that God can’t help us through our problems. When imagination goes that far, the harder it is for us to clear our mind of those thoughts. That is why the first thing we have to do it cast it down! By doing that, we discern where the real battleground is, and know that the devil is the real enemy.
Second, we must decide that enough is enough! We must boldly proclaim that our God is able to do exceedingly, abudantly above all that we could ever ask or imagine. He is able to deliver our thoughts of sin into thoughts of victory. We must pronounce that we will go forward in the right direction, and not backwards in the wrong.
Last, we must declare the Word of the God. When we begin to speak His word, we are speaking faith. If we choose to listen to the thoughts of the enemy, we will speak fear. Faith releases the angels of Heaven, fear releases the adversaries of hell. We must speak those promises. My body is healed by the name of Jesus. My marriage is restored by the name of Jesus. My sinful thoughts are cast down in the name of Jesus. When you begin to speak all these things, your thought pattern will change. Then, the next time that bad thought enters your mind, you’ll remember to CAST IT DOWN!


I love the definition of the word hope. It simply says – to believe, trust, or desire. Those three words alone describe faith in Jesus Christ. There has been a lot happen in my life the last couple months. The most obvious would be the news about my mom.


As I think about all that is happening in my life, I look around and know I’m not alone. I am not the only one that faces battles daily. I’m not the only one that is going through a trial. But, there is something that I know that I have. I have hope. Having hope gives me a peace that only the saved can experience. That is what concerns me about the lost. Knowing that I’m not alone, I wonder how a non-Christian feels when in the heat of a battle or trial. Where is there hope?


We live in a society today where the world thinks it has a cure for everything. If you’re struggling with depression, there are plenty of different medications for it. Many people take that route, or they choose the route of drugs or alcohol. Having shelter in a bottle or pill may take away the pain for a few hours, but once it wears off the pain continues. There is no continual hope in it.


As a believer in God, I love that my hope is found in Him. His Word tells me in Romans 15:13 – “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” He can fill me with joy when I am feeling down. He can fill me with peace when I’m worried. By the power of the Holy Ghost that lives in me, I can have a huge amount of hope in Him. Alcohol would not give me joy. Drugs would not give me peace. But Jesus, being the same yesterday, today, and forever, gives me HOPE. He offers hope to everyone. All you have to do is (as the definition says) believe in Him, trust in Him, and then you will have a desire for Him. That is hope, and that hope is Jesus.

I heard a song on the radio recently. It’s actually doing very well on the charts. The title of the song is “Everybody wants to go to Heaven,” with the tag line “but nobody wanna go now.” Yes, I’m talking about the country song by Kenny Chesney.


The last line in the song really got me thinking about the way everyone lives. With all the turmoil going on in this world today, how could we say that we don’t want to go to Heaven now? The problem in today’s society is we have a spirit of satisfaction. Satisfaction is our greatest enemy. Most people would believe that Satan is our greatest enemy, but let’s look at what the Word says in Colossians 2:15. “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, then triumphing over them by the cross.” Because of the cross, those powers were stripped from Satan. He does not have the power to stop you.


God had promised the children of Israel a land that flowed with milk and honey (Deuteronomy 6:3). In order to get there, they were going to have to cross the Jordan River. Just before they got to the Promised Land at the Jordan River, they became “ok.” “Ok” is not where God wants us to be. We read in Numbers chapter 32 about the Tribes east of the Jordan. The tribes of Reuben and Gad owned vast numbers of livestock. So when they saw the lands of Jazer and Gilead were ideally suited for their flocks and herds, they came to Moses, Eleazar the priest, and the other leaders of the community. They said, “the Lord has conquered this whole area for the community of Israel, and it is ideally suited for all our livestock. If we have found favor with you, please let us have this land as our property instead of giving us land across the Jordan River.”


Just before they got there, good showed up. They had the spirit of satisfaction. They had enough livestock. The land was nice. Why did they need to cross over the Jordan River when they were ok with where they were? I know in my life, God may give me a vision or a goal. I will start pursuing it. I’ll be doing so good in my spiritual life and walk. He starts speaking to me, leading me, and directing me where I need to be. Then somewhere along the way, while things are going good, I come to a halt. Maybe I come to a task that seems hard. Like the children of Israel, it would have been hard for me to cross the “Jordan River.” I become ok with being ok.


God has promised us that have been saved a place called Heaven. The Bible says there will be streets of gold, gates of pearl, and many mansions. For us to say that we don’t want to go there now, is like us staying on the other side of Jordan. We must never become satisfied. There has to be a continued burning desire in our hearts as we wait on the Lord’s return. We are either climbing up, or sliding down. When we reach a place in our walk where we feel like we have learned a lot about the Bible and God, we must continue learning. I say it again, never be satisfied!

Have you became ok with just being “ok”?

I love to read good quotes that challenge me in my relationship with Jesus. Many times in my prayer time with God, I listen for Him to speak to me to give me “quotes”. I always try to write them down, that way I can encourage or speak hope to someone else.


I was talking with a Pastor friend of mine the other day. He gave me a quote that has really stuck in my mind. “God is pulling you back to bring you forward.” What a powerful quote! When I heard that quote, I was reminded of a passage of Scripture found in John 16:33: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”


So many times when we are facing something, God will bring us to our lowest point before He brings us out of the situation. I could testify over and over to prove that point. It is in our darkest hour that we learn the grace of God, and realize our need for complete dependence on Him.


He did not tell us that life would be a breeze. He did not tell us that we would not face circumstances. He did not tell us that the roads we travel on would be easy. So, what did He tell us? He told us to be of good cheer; to be happy. It’s very hard to be happy in a trial, but He says that He has overcome the world. That truth alone can give us the hope we need for the moment. He’s already overcame our situation. He’s already gone before us and cleared the path of the bumpy road that we may be traveling on.


Whatever it is: your health, your finances, your job; He’s pulling you back to bring you forward. If you are going through health issues, He’s taking care of those issues for you. He’s going to heal you, but you have to believe He will. If you’ve got more bills coming in than the money to go out, He’s already making a way to provide for you. You have to show your trust in Him that He will “supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.” Is your situation at work not looking good? He’s just preparing you for something greater. Don’t let it bring you down, but rejoice that He has already overcame the situation and is ready to work in your favor.


Just like with a sling shot, the rock has to be pulled back before it can be shot forward. His Word tells us to rejoice in hope (all His promises), be patient in tribulation (all your trials), and constantly pray (without ceasing). When you have a set back, don’t step back, because God is preparing you for the ultimate come back!

Be Prepared

The first half of this year, my life was riding on a smooth road. Everything seemed to be going good. My job was going great, my family was doing great, and life was great. During this time, the Lord spoke to me so much. When I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit back in November, things really started to change. I became so sensitive to the Spirit’s voice. As He spoke to me, I wrote.


I can remember back in April waking up everyday for a week at 5 am, going to the Church, and praying for a solid hour. A couple of these days were spent in fasting. When the week ended, God really birthed in me to WRITE. I’ve always loved writing blogs/devotions, but this time He took me to a new level. He gave me ideas and visions that I am still trying to develop.


I didn’t understand why the Lord kept giving me so much of Himself … until now.

I didn’t know during this time that I would get news that my mom would be diagnosed with breast cancer in a few months. I have learned over and over that when we face something, we always have to remember to look back at what He has brought us through. When we do that, we can find strength to press forward.


All things begin to make sense in my mind, and begin to fall into place. When things are going great for us in life, we MUST spend more time with Him. Whether it’s reading His Word, or praying to Him. Yet so many times, it’s easy to become stagnant and do what we “want to do” because things are going good.  Then, something goes wrong and we begin to panic. We are so blinded to the trial that we don’t know what to do. So we start reading His Word, praying to Him, and begin to search for the hope that we need.


This trial in my life has been different. Because I had spent so much time with the Lord and listening to His voice, I don’t feel left in the middle of a desert seeking water for my thirsty soul. Soldiers don’t go into battle without being prepared first. It’s the same in our spiritual life. We must be prepared, because when the battle begins we can be equipped with what He has given us.


Do things seem to be going good for you? If so, now is the time to STUDY, PRAY, and SEEK the Lord’s face. Even if you are in the midst of a battle now, remember that God has not forsaken you. It is never too late to turn to Him. He’s right there waiting on you.


“For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.” 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 (NLT)



Mark 11:22-24 – “Have faith in God, Jesus answered. I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”


The past month has not been the easiest month. There have been a lot of things that has taken place, and now I’m finding the strength to talk about it. My mom went to the doctor for her yearly mammogram last month. The doctor’s noticed a lump, and decided they needed to run more test on it. When the results came in, we got the news that it was cancerous. The doctor’s were pretty certain that it had not spread, but was enclosed in the lump itself. She had surgery at the beginning of July to have it removed.

Last week, she had to go back for her checkup. After her appointment, she called me very upset. The cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, and said she would have to have surgery again to remove it. After the healing process, she will begin a series of chemo and radiation treatments. Breast cancer is something that you hear other women get, not your mom. In the midst of finding out this information, I was immediately drawn closer to the Healer.

A few moments after I hung up the phone with mom, I called one of my spiritual mentors. I told her the situation, and she began to pray for me. She said – “God says to believe, and don’t lose your faith.” Believe! Since that day, that word has not left my thoughts and spirit. Believe defined means – “to have confidence or faith in the truth of.” When a word is put in my spirit, I want to search it out; that way I can truly know what God is trying to speak to me.


After searching the scriptures, I came across this passage. I love what it says in verse 24 – “Whatever you ask for in prayer, BELIEVE that you have received it, and it will be yours.” I am big believer that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If He healed many people back then, He can still do it today! This verse reminds us that when we ask for something in prayer (healing), we must believe that we have received it, and it will be ours. Does it get any simpler than that?


James 5:14 tells us “and the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; for the Lord will raise them up.” In a time like this, I can stand upon these verses. Though the doctor may not give the best results, I know that my great Physician in Heaven is still in the healing business. He is already working everything out for our good. We must believe in His Word. Believe in what it says. Believe in His healing. BELIEVE – Because Emmanuel Lives I Expect Victory Everytime. Isaiah 55:11 says – “My word shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please.”


Those are the reasons why I can believe in His healing over my mom’s body. Praying in faith, believing in His word is how we can receive our healing. Do you believe?