Open Source Innovation in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data

Our mission is to build and support an open AI and Data community, and drive open source innovation in the AI, ML,DL, and Data domains by enabling collaboration and the creation of new opportunities for all the members of the community


The LF AI & Data Foundation supports open source projects within artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and the data space. You can think of us as a greenhouse growing and sustaining open source AI, ML, DL and Data projects from seed to fruition. The LF AI & Data Foundation provides the support to projects for open development to occur among a diverse and thriving community, in addition to a number of enabling services that include membership and funding management, ecosystem development, legal support, PR/marketing/communication, events support, and compliance scans.

Feel free to explore our current portfolio of projects and contact us to discuss hosting your open source AI or Data project under our Foundation.

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LF AI & Data is an umbrella foundation of the Linux Foundation that supports open source innovation in artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and data. LF AI & Data was created to support open source AI, ML, DL and Data, and to create a sustainable open source AI ecosystem that makes it easy to create AI and Data products and services using open source technologies. We foster collaboration under a neutral environment with an open governance in support of the harmonization and acceleration of open source technical projects.