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Format of download file signatures has changed (Feb 17, 2022)

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We have simplified the format of the downloadable file (i.e. stage 3 and iso image) signatures. Now, each of these files is accompanied by a detached GnuPG signature where the file itself is signed. The signing key remains unchanged; see our web page on release media signatures for the fingerprints.

An unsigned DIGESTS file remains available as well.

New packages at the Gentoo packages database

sec-keys/openpgp-keys-notqmail OpenPGP keys used to sign notqmail releases
games-simulation/simutrans-paksets PakSets (scenario data) for games-simulation/simutrans
dev-python/mkdocs-i18n MkDocs i18n plugin
dev-python/makefun Small library to dynamically create Python functions
dev-python/mrcfile MRC2014 file format I/O library

Fresh documentation on the Gentoo wiki

Dm-crypt full disk encryption/sv started by Fepers
Google Summer of Code/2022/Ideas/GkernelCI new features and bug fixes started by Alicef
Udev/sv started by Fepers
CLT2022-Infoboard started by Jstein
Google Summer of Code/2022/Ideas/ started by BlueKnight