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Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 1615 (UTC)
Russia launches full-scale invasion against Ukraine
Russia launches full-scale invasion against Ukraine

Russian troops began an invasion of Ukraine by firing missiles at several cities Thursday, sparking international condemnation.

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Russia continues to attack Ukraine amid sanctions from the west
Russia continues to attack Ukraine amid sanctions from the west

On Sunday, a suspected Russian missile strike was carried out on a civilian oil terminal located in Vasilkiv, near Kyiv. The incident was reported by Ukranian Member of Parliament Anna Purtova.

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Russian forces approach Ukraine's capital Kyiv
Russian forces approach Ukraine's capital Kyiv

On Friday, Russian forces attacked Ukraine's capital Kyiv with missiles resulting in blasts damaging residential areas. Russia continued its three-pronged invasion of Ukraine and already reached the Obolon district of Kyiv; sirens sounded over Kyiv and residents took shelter in underground metro stations.

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Hungary extends fuel price cap
Hungary extends fuel price cap

On Saturday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced a three-month extension of a price cap on standard motor fuels in Hungary.

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U.S. government task force moves to alter place names containing racial slur
U.S. government task force moves to alter place names containing racial slur

On Tuesday, officials from the United States federal government announced plans to rename hundreds of places on federal land whose names contain an anti-Native American slur, having produced five possible replacement names for each site.

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