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Monday, February 21, 2022, 1314 (UTC)
Scientists use DNA analysis to track elephant poaching networks
Scientists use DNA analysis to track elephant poaching networks

Findings published Monday in Nature Human Behaviour report using a form of DNA analysis techniques originally designed for human teeth to track ivory poached from African elephants.

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Signs of de-escalation as Russia claims to pull back some troops
Signs of de-escalation as Russia claims to pull back some troops

On Tuesday, Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz met with President of Russia Vladimir Putin in Moscow to discuss rising tensions along the Russia–Ukraine border.

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Hungary extends fuel price cap
Hungary extends fuel price cap

On Saturday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced a three-month extension of a price cap on standard motor fuels in Hungary.

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Koalas labeled as 'endangered' in eastern states of Australia
Koalas labeled as 'endangered' in eastern states of Australia

On Friday, Australia’s federal environment minister Sussan Ley declared the koala an endangered species in Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

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Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick resigns amid criticism
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick resigns amid criticism

The Commissioner of the London, United Kingdom Metropolitan Police (Met) Dame Cressida Dick resigned Thursday after losing the approval of London mayor Sadiq Khan.

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