• Cloud Products

    • The key to managing multiple cloud products

    • With the proliferation of cloud products, IT teams today can adopt specific public cloud services to better serve the need of individual cloud workloads. With a variety of best-of-breed products that each offer different benefits for application performance, enterprises can reduce costs, increase efficiency and avoid vendor lock-in.

      But working with multiple cloud products also offers new challenges as well. Each platform has its own unique set of tools and processes, and managing multiple products simultaneously is adding significant cost and complexity and limiting innovation.

      The answer: hybrid cloud solutions that provide a consistent operational experience and consistent infrastructure across all public, private and edge cloud resources, helping to reduce risk, minimize costs and extract the greatest value from cloud products. For industry-leading hybrid cloud solutions, more enterprises today are turning to Dell Technologies.

    • APEX Data Storage Services

      APEX Data Storage Services is an on-premises, as-a-service portfolio of scalable and elastic storage resources designed for OpEx treatment.*


      *OpEx treatment is subject to customer internal accounting review and policies. 

    • The benefits and drawbacks of public cloud products

    • As the cloud has evolved, the growing diversity of public cloud products has enabled enterprises to adopt a variety of solutions to address the needs of different applications. Traditional applications benefit from cloud products that help reduce cost and improve application and operational efficiency. Next generation applications do well with products that enable access to new services like serverless technologies, containers, blockchain, real-time cloud analytics and AI/ML platforms. By providing access to readily available and elastic cloud resources with flexible consumption pricing, public cloud resources have been critical to increasing speed to market and improving agility and competitiveness.

      As the number of cloud products managed by IT teams has grown, so too has the complexity of managing them. Each public cloud solution comes with its own set of tools and processes for managing cloud networking, servers, storage and infrastructure. The time and resources required to simultaneously manage multiple cloud products can be overwhelming. This task is made even more difficult by complex cloud migration, inconsistent SLAs, significant security concerns and operational silos that can slow cloud adoption and limit innovation.

      At the same time, enterprises have realized the benefits of keeping certain workloads on premises. Private cloud infrastructure provides certain benefits over public cloud products, especially for security, data governance, data locality and low-latency performance.

      To maximize the value of cloud investments, enterprises need hybrid cloud solutions that provide a common set of tools and consistent infrastructure and operation across private, edge and public cloud products, eliminating complexity while still enabling workloads to be deployed to the ideal cloud environment.

    • APEX: products for cloud consistency

    • APEX solves the challenge of managing multiple cloud products by providing a single operational hub for consistent operations across all clouds. With end-to-end, cloud-enabled solutions, APEX enables organizations to implement a hybrid cloud strategy and to realize a vision for modern cloud infrastructure.

      APEX includes:
      A cloud platform that is the only fully integrated hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) system jointly engineered with VMware and delivered as a turnkey option.
      A Data Data Center-as-a-Service solution that provides a fully managed, subscription-based solution for data center and edge locations.
      Pre-tested Dell Technologies infrastructure that offers best-of-breed storage, compute and networking technologies with deployment guidance for building hybrid cloud infrastructure with independent scaling of storage and compute.
      Support for major cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and 4,200 additional cloud partners.

      Together, these solutions provide a consistent infrastructure to simplify workload migrations, consistent operations to eliminate silos and improve control over all cloud products, and consistent services to plan and execute cloud strategy.

    • A turnkey platform for cloud – without the chaos

    • APEX turnkey platform – VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) on VxRail – provides consistent infrastructure and operations in one complete, automated platform, eliminating the chaos of managing multiple cloud products. Dell Technologies’s VCF on VxRail is a highly scalable, hyperconverged infrastructure platform that can support the most demanding workloads and applications thanks to features such as NVMe cache drives. VCF provides a complete set of software-defined services for compute, storage, networking and security, with cloud management features for running traditional and containerized enterprise apps in private or public cloud environments.

      With VCF on VxRail, enterprises can eliminate IT silos, reduce sprawl and have a single-pane-of-glass view when deploying and managing clusters of workloads across a hybrid cloud infrastructure.

    • Streamline operations. Reduce risk. Speed time-to-market.

    • APEX provides tremendous benefits for managing multiple cloud products in a hybrid infrastructure.
      Accelerate innovation by more effectively orchestrating workloads across multiple cloud products, accessing the right resources at the right time to increase speed to market.
      Enhance security with a single security framework that spans all cloud resources.
      Optimize cloud economics with more flexibility for moving workloads between clouds and avoiding application rework tax thanks to consistent infrastructure.
      Increase productivity by enabling IT teams to work with familiar tools and operating models.
      Streamline management across cloud environments with a consistent management experience.
      Scale on demand to extend IT environments and deliver resources as needed without adding additional complexity.

    • FAQs: What are cloud products?

    • What is cloud computing?
      APEX computing enable organizations to access a shared pool of configurable computing resources via the Internet or a dedicated network connection. Cloud resources include servers, storage, networks, applications, databases and other computing services. Rather than purchasing, installing and managing these resources on premises, organizations can rapidly provision and release resources in the cloud with minimal management effort, paying only for the cloud computing services they use.

      What are cloud products?
      Cloud products are services and platforms offered by third-party vendors that organizations may use as part of a multi-cloud or hybrid cloud architecture. Cloud products may include compute, storage, databases, analytics, networking, security, applications and other cloud services.

      What is a hybrid cloud?
      A hybrid cloud is a cloud architecture that involves at least one public cloud and one private cloud, along with technology that enables data and application portability between them. Hybrid cloud architecture is designed to simplify the complexity of managing multiple cloud products by providing a common set of tools and a common management experience across all public, private and edge cloud resources.

    • APEX Cloud Services

      APEX Cloud Services offer compute and storage resources that enable secure and consistent infrastructure and operations for your workloads across private and public cloud 

    • APEX Console

      The Dell Technologies APEX Console is a unified, self-service experience to increase agility, gain insight and maintain oversight throughout the APEX cloud and as-a-service journey.

    • APEX Resources

      Explore videos, blogs, demos and more on APEX.