• Cloud Company

    • Choosing the right hybrid cloud vendor

    • Managing multiple clouds is no easy feat. The average business today works with five different cloud providers, each with its own management framework and set of tools. For IT teams, this means constantly shifting between diverse platforms as they manage workloads across public, private and edge cloud resources. The result is chaotic, with unpredictable costs, inconsistent security, multiple SLAs and a complicated management system that hinders productivity and slows innovation.

      Moving to a hybrid cloud environment can help by providing a common set of tools for managing all clouds. But hybrid clouds are inherently complex to deploy and manage. Successful hybrid cloud deployment depends on choosing the right cloud company. A premier provider must offer a solution that delivers consistent services, infrastructure and operations . That’s why, when choosing a hybrid cloud vendor, more enterprises today look to Dell Technologies.

    • APEX Cloud Services

      APEX Cloud Services offer compute and storage resources that enable secure and consistent infrastructure and operations for your workloads across private and public cloud 

    • Dell Technologies Services

      Our industry experts offer strategic guidance and proven practical capabilities to help you accelerate time to value of your transformation objectives for edge, core and cloud strategies.

    • Dell Technologies Consulting Services

      Dell Technologies Consulting experts share cloud application and operating model best practices to help take your cloud journey from the whiteboard to production.

    • The challenge of managing multiple clouds

    • Over the past decade, enterprises have embraced the cloud wholeheartedly for the flexibility, scalability and cost savings it provides. As the number of business cloud solutions has multiplied exponentially, IT teams have adopted multiple solutions, allowing them to choose the best cloud company for each type of workload. This multi-cloud strategy has enabled enterprises to optimally deploy business-critical and next-generation cloud-based applications, and to navigate digital transformation more easily.

      At the same time, most enterprises have retained some workloads on-premises, taking advantage of the security and control that private cloud infrastructure provide. Private clouds offer greater insight into infrastructure, making it easier to manage data governance and data locality concerns. And certain workloads that require low-latency performance are managed more easily from on-premise cloud technology.

      For all the benefits of a multi-cloud architecture, there are significant downsides as well. The lack of consistency across platforms is the most significant challenge. IT teams are forced to work with disconnected processes, platforms and tools that significantly increase complexity. As a result, multi-cloud strategies may not scale easily, as organizations become burdened with incompatible silos of information and greater operational expense.

      To solve this dilemma, many enterprises are looking to a hybrid cloud infrastructure that unifies diverse cloud products and platforms on a common management plane. A hybrid cloud gives administrators a common set of tools that mitigates the complexity of managing multiple clouds while simplifying the task of moving data and applications between platforms. And while there are many providers claiming to have solutions that represent the fastest path to hybrid cloud, Dell Technologies is the only cloud company with the experience, expertise, hardware, software and services to truly tame the complexity of hybrid cloud and enable a swift and easy implementation.

    • Dell Technologies is a #1 hybrid cloud company

    • Dell Technologies Cloud is a suite of solutions built on the expertise of Dell Technologies and VMware that help to make hybrid clouds easier to manage and deploy. Combining a robust HCI platform with cloud software for managing and orchestrating workloads, Dell Technologies Cloud offers a simple and secure path for enterprises to embrace hybrid cloud.

      When choosing Dell Technologies as your cloud company, you can:

      • Accelerate time-to-market with access to elastic capacity for rapid scale up and scale down.
      • Optimize and reduce costs with flexible hybrid pricing models and the ability to choose the optimal mix of public, private and edge cloud resources.
      • Simplify cloud migration by relying on familiar tools and models as well as pre-tested and pre-engineered infrastructure.
      • Enhance security by adopting a single framework that spans all cloud resources.
      • Streamline operations with a consistent management experience across all clouds.

    • A simpler path to hybrid cloud

    • Dell Technologies Cloud simplifies deployment and operation of hybrid cloud environments. Building on the expertise of VMware and Dell Technologies, this solution improves the cloud experience with a consistent operating model for easier management across all clouds.

      Dell Technologies Cloud solutions include:

      • A turnkey platform: VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) on VxRail. VCF on VxRail offers software-defined services for compute, storage, networking and security, along with cloud management tools for running traditional or containerized apps across clouds. Dell Technologies VCF on VxRail is a highly scalable, hyperconverged infrastructure platform that can support the most demanding workloads and applications. This jointly engineered solution provides the security, control and reliability of private cloud along with the simplicity, flexibility and economics of public cloud —anywhere from the edge to data center locations.
      • Data Center-as-a-Service. VMware Cloud on Dell Technologies is a fully managed, subscription-based solution that provides robust on-premises Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) capabilities to bring the simplicity and agility of the public cloud to data centers. This offering delivers cloud-like, ease-of-use for on-premises workloads and provides remarkable consistency between public cloud and local environments.
      • Best-of-breed, pre-tested infrastructure. Dell Technologies Cloud Validated Designs provides Dell Technologies storage, compute and networking resources that are pre-tested for interoperability with VMware Cloud Foundation. With Validated Designs, enterprises can build hybrid cloud infrastructure with independent scaling of storage and compute to meet the challenging demands of managing legacy applications and demanding next-generation workloads.
      • Partner clouds. Support for all major clouds creates a seamless hybrid experience with the ability to extend to Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and more than 4,200 additional cloud partners

    • Why choose Dell Technologies?

    • When you choose Dell Technologies as your hybrid cloud company, you can count on:

      • A single-vendor relationship. From consistent SLAs across all workloads to a single-vendor relationship for support, making Dell Technologies your cloud company allows you to accelerate and streamline roadmap development, migrations and upgrade paths while spending less time on configuration.
      • Unparalleled capabilities. As a cloud company, Dell Technologies offers a range of cloud solutions that provide greater agility and innovation, along with the flexibility of multiple cloud consumption models for greater cost efficiency.
      • Consistency across hybrid clouds. With Dell Technologies, you can choose the optimal mix of public, private and edge cloud resources and deliver a consistent and common management experience for all of them.
      • Support for all major clouds. Dell Technologies makes it easy to extend your hybrid cloud environments to the world’s broadest cloud provider ecosystem.

    • FAQs: What is a cloud company?

    • What is cloud computing?

      Cloud computing provides access to highly scalable IT resources over the internet with a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Rather than installing and managing servers, storage, applications, databases, networking and other computing resources on premises, enterprises can access resources from a cloud company on an as-needed basis, paying only for the resources they consume. Cloud computing enables extraordinary scalability, high availability and lower IT costs, while relieving IT teams from the need to manage infrastructure. 

      What is a cloud company?

      A cloud company is a cloud service provider or provider of technology for managing cloud infrastructure.

    • APEX Cloud Services

      APEX Cloud Services offer compute and storage resources that enable secure and consistent infrastructure and operations for your workloads across private and public cloud 

    • Cloud Data Protection

      Ensure cloud protection and data retention with the #1 Cloud Data Protection and data backup solution for your hybrid cloud.

    • APEX Resources

      Explore videos, blogs, demos and more on APEX.