Zosia Wanat


Food & retail reporter at + all things . Previously FT and MLex in 🇧🇪🇬🇧🇵🇱🇫🇷. alumna. Get in touch: [email protected]

Brussels, Belgium
Đã tham gia tháng 2 năm 2011


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  1. đã Tweet lại
    13 giờ trước

    On April 15, the Polish parlt will carry out the first reading of a draft law outlawing abortion because of a congenital disorder of the fetus, the current parliamentary schedule shows. The law is so-called citizens' initiative, spearheaded by anti-abortion activist Kaja Godek.

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  2. 11 giờ trước

    In case you missed it because you were asleep: Poland's ruling PiS party on Monday evening rammed through dramatic changes to the country's electoral system just weeks ahead of the May 10 presidential election, which the opposition denounced as a "coup."

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  3. 6 thg 4

    Poland's President is urging country's consumers to buy Polish food — another voice of support for growing gastronationalism. wrote about it here:

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  4. 6 thg 4

    Recently it's been quite difficult to fit Polish politics into one tweet.

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  5. 6 thg 4

    With , we analysed retail data on what people are and aren't eating during lockdown. Europeans have dramatically increased their spending on essential foods (flour) but they’re also saying no to certain gourmet favorites (champagne!)

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  6. 3 thg 4

    In 🇵🇱 politics today: — PiS presses for presidential election in May via universal postal vote — junior coalition party wants to change the constitution to delay election by 2 years — the gov at the risk of splitting Meanwhile: Poland reports 3149 corona cases and 59 deaths.

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  7. đã Tweet lại
    3 thg 4

    Ten years ago, a plane carrying Poland's president and a host of top officials crashed in Smolensk, in Poland's worst national disaster since WW2. and I look at the scars left by that day in April 2010

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  8. đã Tweet lại
    3 thg 4

    is seeking to unwind one of ' most prized victories in the talks: the protection of Parma ham, feta and 3,000 other regional food specialities. Great scoop from .

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  9. đã Tweet lại
    3 thg 4

    Orbán says on Hungarian state radio that criticism of Hungary's law is due to network, led by George Soros, which is trying to get the country's resources, and this network has people in Brussels posts. Wonder how will respond to that one.

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  10. đã Tweet lại

    “All the data will stay with the government for six years. I don’t think that’s right” — how Poland’s mandatory tracking app offers a playbook that other countries will likely follow w/

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  11. đã Tweet lại
    2 thg 4

    I still can't believe this sentence is true: Poland's government wants to create a system of postal-only voting from scratch that would be passed, at the earliest, a month before the election and then implemented and operated amid the coronavirus epidemic and associated lockdown

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  12. đã Tweet lại

    The court has ruled that member governments can’t depart from EU law because they want to maintain public order without giving consistent evidence of potential danger

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  13. 2 thg 4

    It takes for the EU ambassadors to discuss agriculture: France called to take emergency market measures (public interventions, subsidizing storage) to help farmers hit by the crisis. w/

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  14. 31 thg 3

    There's agri life beyond coronavirus: Ukraine's parliament lifted a ban on sales of 41.5 million hectares of the country’s agricultural land. The law also paves the way for a referendum to decide if foreigners will be able to buy the land too.

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  15. đã Tweet lại
    31 thg 3

    Poland's ruling party is desperate for May presidential elections to go ahead, now proposing universal postal voting. Current polls give their candidate a big advantage, with opposition campaigning interrupted, and Duda heavily promoted in the government's Covid-19 response.

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  16. 31 thg 3

    Szukamy osób, które przebywają/przebywały w Polsce na kwarantannie, i zgodziły się albo odmówiły stosowania rządowej aplikacji mobilnej, do krótkiej rozmowy dla . Z góry dziękujemy za pomoc!

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  17. 31 thg 3

    The article comes with 's pre-lockdown pictures, his debut for 🥳 (he's considering coronavirus-inspired career change)

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  18. 31 thg 3

    Belgium, the home of 🍺🍫🧇, like many other countries, closed all restaurants due to , leaving the owners uncertain about the future of their businesses, and local foodies wondering if their favourite spots will still be there after lockdown.

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  19. 30 thg 3

    Polish President Andrzej Duda is on Tik Tok now. And I have this journalistic professionalism vs personal sanity dilemma whether I should download the app or not.

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  20. đã Tweet lại

    Opposition candidates for Poland’s upcoming presidential election are squabbling over how to stop the ballot because of the pandemic, but the ruling Law and Justice party isn't giving ground

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