NCO Academy Open Ranks Inspection

The Noncommissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) is the second level of Enlisted Professional Military Education (EPME) and prepares Technical Sergeants to be professional, war-fighting Airmen and Space Professionals who can manage and lead units in the employment of Air and Space power.  Currently, there are 11 NCOAs worldwide.


The NCOA program is a substantial investment of resources, personnel, and facilities; all dedicated to the development of Air and Space Force Non-Commissioned Officers. Senior leadership strongly supports this investment because of the importance placed on strengthening enlisted leadership.  The goal of the NCO Academy program are to provide the best academic program possible by instilling relevant and solution-focused leadership attributes to enhance military organizations. This academy is not a college campus, nor is the academy an extension of Basic Military Training (BMT).  This professional school is designed to educate and advance the high ideals necessary for leadership, teamwork, good order and discipline in the U.S. Air and Space Force through the application of four outcome-based objectives: Culture, Leadership, Problem Solving and Mission.


The course synopsis is located here

The course syllabus is located here.   


OUTCOMES-BASED MILITARY EDUCATION.  NCOA curriculum prepares our Airmen and Guardians to:

  • Assess and advocate actions necessary for strengthening organizational culture.
  • Examine the impact of leadership and management actions and determine proper courses for achieving team goals.
  • Collaborate with team members to analyze problems and implement solutions.
  • Summarize National Defense strategic imperatives and their relationship with tactical and operational actions.

CONUS NCO Academies

OCONUS NCO Academies

Noncommissioned Officer Academy Program

Module Lesson Title
DOE 1 Orientation/Expectations
CULTURE Unconscious Bias
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
Shaping Organizational Culture
LEADERSHIP Mission Command
Ethical Decision-Making
Leadership & Management
Leading Agile, Innovative, and Inclusive Teams
Project Management
PROBLEM SOLVING Types of Thinking
Types of Problems
Problem Solving
MISSION Mission Joint Learning Objectives
Mission Near Peer Paper
Mission Presentation