AMU In Public Safety Matters

American Military University

Public safety professionals face ongoing challenges and struggles. American Military University brings you In Public Safety Matters, a podcast featuring experts in law enforcement, corrections, the fire service, and municipal leadership discussing some of the most relevant and challenging issues in public safety today. To learn more, visit 

All Episodes

In 2020, there were 365,000+ reports of missing children across the United States. Law enforcement agencies often do not have the resources, manpower or intelligence-based skillsets to bring these children back to their families. In this episode, AMU professor Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks to Richard Ring, CEO of F3 Missing Children's Intelligence Agency, about bringing together intelligence analysts, retired special operations and military personnel, and retired federal law enforcement officers to help investigate missing children cases. Learn about the importance of using an intelligence-based approach to finding missing children and the challenges associated with investigating cold cases.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Nov 23

23 min 13 sec

Are you interested in working in law enforcement or the criminal justice field? In this episode, Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks to AMU Criminal Justice professor Dr. Michael Pittaro about his new book, “Pursuing and Navigating a Career in Criminal Justice,” based on his 30+ years of experience working in the criminal justice system. Learn how to get into the field, including tips on preparing for the interview process, the background check, as well as the physical and psychological exams. Once hired, learn what to expect in the Academy, during the probational period, and how to set yourself up for future promotions. Also learn how to navigate the many challenges that law enforcement brings including stress, burnout, low morale, and mental health issues as well as some of the critical coping mechanisms to manage the stress and difficulties of the profession.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Oct 26

24 min 11 sec

There are more than 250,000 unsolved murders in the United States and law enforcement simply does not have the personnel or resources to investigate all of them. As a result, average citizens, private investigators, and the media have come together to help reinvestigate many of these cold cases. In this episode, Glynn Cosker talks to AMU criminal justice and forensic science professor, Jen Bucholtz, about her work as a private investigator to investigate several cold cases. Learn how she has used the power of crowdsourcing and social media to engage people and uncover new information, and how advancements in DNA technology and forensic genealogy are helping police solve more cases. Also hear why it’s so important for law enforcement agencies to embrace the assistance of outside sources to help bring justice for the families of these victims.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Oct 12

24 min 34 sec

After seven plus years of hard work, a former news reporter, Dale Julin, has cracked some of the Zodiac Killer’s numerous ciphers and anagrams. In this episode, AMU criminal justice and forensic science professor, Jen Bucholtz, who also has a background in counterterrorism and private investigations, shares how the ciphers were decrypted using the suspect’s full name. She also discusses the mounting evidence pointing towards Gary Francis Poste including matching physical scars that had been identified by multiple witnesses, military training on a specific type of cipher and decrypting methodology used in the Zodiac letters, geographical location during the times of the murder, and more. Learn why she has partnered with The Case Breakers, an investigation group of more than 40 former law enforcement and experts, to bring this evidence to police in hopes they’ll take this information seriously and find resolution to one of the country’s most notorious unsolved serial killing cases.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

Oct 9

36 min 19 sec

Leaving the military and transitioning to the civilian workforce isn’t easy and requires hard work and preparation. In this episode, AMU professor Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks to William Balcerski, who successfully started a new civilian career after 30 years of active duty and reserve experience in the U.S. Coast Guard. Learn why servicemembers need two years to prepare for this transition to develop their professional network, earn a degree before separating, and conduct research on companies and its leaders. Also learn practical advice like how to identify transferable skills, tailor your resume for each position, and develop a post-military budget so you’re financially prepared when your service ends.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Sep 28

23 min 32 sec

Being a municipal leader means working with a diverse group of people. In this episode, AMU’s Buster Nicholson talks to Horace McHugh, President of Florida City County Management Association about his experience in municipal leadership and the strategies that have worked best to help him accomplish community goals. Learn the importance of training and professional development, the role of ethics and integrity in government leadership, and why all municipalities should encourage mentoring among employees.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

Sep 14

26 min 18 sec

In August 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti causing massive and widespread destruction. Shortly after the earthquake struck, a tropical depression swept through the country causing further devastation and impeding rescue and recovery efforts. In this episode, Glynn Cosker talks to AMU’s Dr. Chris Reynolds about his experience responding directly to the 2010 earthquake and his perspective on the challenges Haiti faces. Learn how limited infrastructure, rampant governmental corruption including a recent coup and the assassination of Haiti’s president, along with criminal violence have all contributed to Haiti’s inability to prepare or respond to disasters and its reliance on foreign aid.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Aug 25

22 min 7 sec

Across the country, law enforcement agencies are seeing an exodus of officers leaving the profession. Agencies are also receiving fewer, high-quality candidates applying to fill those positions. In this episode, Dr. Gary Deel talks to AMU Criminal Justice program director Dr. Chuck Russo about the current state of law enforcement. Learn how agencies need to do a better job accurately representing the work of police officers to attract new and diverse recruits who have the right skillsets for the profession. Also hear discussion about topics like qualified immunity, body camera policies, training improvements, and more.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

Aug 17

47 min 10 sec

The 2020 hurricane season was a recording-breaking year with 30 named storms, but because none of them brought significant devastation, most people were unaware of the number of storms. In this episode, Glynn Cosker talks to AMU’s Dr. Christopher Reynolds about the importance of preparing for hurricane season by packing an emergency disaster kit and hardening your house and property. Also learn why it’s dangerous and frustrating for emergency management personnel when people don’t evacuate when told to so.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Aug 3

32 min 12 sec

While there’s an increasing emphasis on evidence-based policing, much of that research remains inaccessible to officers on the street. In this episode, AMU’s Leischen Kranick talks to Susanne Knabe-Nicol about her efforts to make scientific research practical and useful for law enforcement officers around the world. Learn how she’s converting important research on investigative interviewing, offender profiling, crime analysis and more into videos and online courses to help officers better understand and apply this information. Also learn about her work to improve officer mental health and resiliency through training and educating agency leaders.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jul 13

39 min 36 sec

After 16 years as an unsolved cold case, an arrest was finally made in the murder of Rebekah Gould. In this episode, AMU criminal justice professor Jennifer Bucholtz and investigative reporter George Jared talk about the arrest of William Miller, the first cousin of Rebekah’s boyfriend. Hear how William connected with Jennifer and George through their investigative Facebook group and the tips they received about his involvement. Also learn about the unusual probable cause affidavit from police, which has scant information and raises more questions than answers. Also learn about Jennifer and George’s recent presentation at CrimeCon 2021 and why they’re working to convince law enforcement agencies that citizen detectives and crowdsourcing efforts are powerful tools that could help police solve the 250,000+ outstanding cold cases around the country.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jul 6

38 min 22 sec

Law enforcement agencies face intense scrutiny about how officers treat people of different ethnicities. In this episode, AMU professor Dr. Ashley Taylor talks to 23-year police veteran and now-retired police trainer, Dr. Kathleen Love. Learn how her department trained officers by taking them out into every ethnic community as well as homeless centers, domestic violence centers, religious centers, so officers could learn about these different groups of people, hear about their experiences with police, and listen to their concerns. This strategy not only built empathy and understanding among officers, it opened a line of communication with community members and built mutual trust and respect.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

May 25

31 min 34 sec

What has it been like working in corrections during the COVID-19 pandemic? In this episode, hear from AMU alumnus Jason Whitehead, who has been a correctional officer for 15 years, about his experience working in a correctional facility. Learn how he manages stress, tips on maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and recommendations to effectively interact with inmates. Also learn why he earned a Master’s degree in Intelligence Studies and why he recommends anyone interested in a career in the criminal justice system pursue a degree other than criminal justice.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

May 11

37 min 53 sec

What has it been like being a black woman working in law enforcement for more than two decades? In this episode, APU professor Dr. Ashley Taylor talks to Dr. Sukeena Stephens about her extensive 24-year law enforcement career working in correctional, immigration and federal law enforcement agencies. Learn about her struggle to get a seat at the table in a white male-dominated field, the disparities she sees when it comes to special assignments and promotional opportunities, and the impact this inequity has on employees who don’t feel supported or recognized by leadership. Learn why senior leaders must have difficult conversations about inequality and work to change their circle of influence in order to create inclusive organizations that better represent America and the communities they serve.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Apr 27

33 min 24 sec

What is a municipal league and how does participation benefit towns and cities? In this episode, APU’s Buster Nicholson talks to Rob Bullington, Director of Communications for the Virginia Municipal League, about the support provided by municipal leagues. Learn how they provide guidance to local elected officials about their roles and responsibilities and keep local officials informed about what’s happening on a state and national level that may affect their municipality. Also learn the strategic role of how municipal leagues communicate with and educate their membership.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Apr 13

26 min 46 sec

Police officers are operating in a new and heightened state of hyper-vigilance. Not only are they feeling attacked and scrutinized for the action of others by the media, the public, and sometimes even family and friends, officers are also responding to an unprecedented amount of civil unrest all during a widespread pandemic. These factors have all taken a major toll on the physical and mental wellbeing of officers and led to an exodus of officers leaving the profession. In this episode, AMU’s Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks to Rhonda Kelly, Executive Director of the All Clear Foundation, about resources and training to teach officers how to manage cumulative stress, self-regulate, and control their nervous system. Also learn about resources to help law enforcement families, including ways to address rising anxiety and depression in spouses and children.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Mar 16

30 min 9 sec

Few people think of innovation when they think of municipal government. However, in the small city of Innisfil in Ontario, Canada—about an hour north of Toronto—the city council has prioritized finding innovative solutions to help its city prosper. In this episode, American Public University’s Buster Nicholson talks to Lynn Dollin, the mayor of Innisfil, about some of the city’s newest initiatives including accepting cryptocurrency for tax payments, creating an on-demand transit system, building innovative housing options, and creating physical and financial infrastructure to support business startups. Learn more about municipal leaders’ innovative strategies to enhance the quality of life for residents.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

Mar 2

23 min 55 sec

First responders and law enforcement officers have faced an unprecedented amount of stress in the last year. One positive benefit is that it has forced many first responders to acknowledge these stressors, which has helped reduce the stigma around mental health care. In this episode, AMU’s Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks to Rhonda Kelly, executive director of All Clear Foundation, whose mental health initiative, ResponderStrong, provides resources, tools, and training to help first responders heal from trauma and build resiliency for both themselves and their families.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Feb 16

33 min 18 sec

When people think of human trafficking victims, they often think of girls and women. However, male minors are often sexually exploited. In this episode, AMU professor Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks to John Long of the U.S. Institute Against Human Trafficking about its work to provide safe homes, services, and resources for boys and men who have been trafficked. Learn about the importance of educating law enforcement officers, medical professionals, teachers, and the public about the signs of trafficking of both males and females.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Feb 2

29 min 23 sec

Not everyone is cut out to be a crime scene investigator. In this episode, AMU criminal justice and forensic science professor Dr. Dena Weiss reflects on her 24-year career as a CSI. Learn about the incredible advancements in technology like Touch DNA and genealogy genetic testing, which her department used to solve a 38-year cold case. Dr. Weiss also offers insight into the fragility of crime scenes to help responding officers preserve as much evidence as possible, recommendations for educational pursuits and internships for aspiring CSIs, and insight into managing the stress of a career as a CSI.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jan 19

38 min 27 sec

On January 6, rioters breached police barricades and forced their way into the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. In this episode, AMU’s Leischen Kranick talks to Anthony Raganella, who spent eight of his 25-year law enforcement career as the Commanding Officer of the NYPD’s Disorder Control Unit and now offers training to prepare agencies for riots and civil unrest. While this incident was shocking because of where it happened, it’s not an uncommon experience for agencies across the country. Learn about efforts to create national standards for training, equipment, and tactics to help agencies plan and prepare for riots and civil unrest.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jan 8

32 min 54 sec

The coronavirus pandemic has had major consequences for local communities and municipalities. In this episode, Buster Nicholson interviews AMU emergency and disaster management professor Anthony Mangeri about his role as a town manager in Delaware. Learn about the short-term effects on the local economy as well as anticipated long-term effects that many affect municipal revenues for years. Also learn about strategies to build and maintain public trust and keep citizens informed about the changing public health situation.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jan 5

26 min 8 sec

In Florida, defense attorneys can legally depose underage victims of human trafficking. These depositions are devastating, causing young victims to be needlessly re-traumatized. In this episode, AMU criminal justice professor Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks to Dr. Yaro Garcia and Janet Ortenzo, about their anti-human trafficking work in Florida and why it’s so important to change the law in Florida. Also learn about the signs of human trafficking, how traffickers commonly move victims, ways to protect children and vulnerable persons, and how to help victims escape from traffickers.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Dec 2020

37 min 32 sec

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a cascade of new challenges for municipal leaders. In this episode, Buster Nicholson talks to Mercury Payton, the town manager of Vienna, Virginia, about his strategy for long-term capital improvement projects and adjustments made because of the pandemic. Learn what inspired him to become a public servant and why he believes local government leaders must have a “private sector mindset” so they treat residents as customers whom they’re working to deliver the highest level of service.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Dec 2020

32 min 38 sec

Active shooter incidents are on the rise in the U.S. In this episode, AMU criminal justice professor Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks to William Balcerski, who spent 26 years in the military and is currently the Facilities Protection Supervisor, Missiles and Fire Control Division, at Lockheed Martin and AMU alumnus about some of the factors contributing to mass shootings. Learn how the coronavirus, which is forcing people to be inside and online, is leading to radicalization and the “echo chamber effect.” Also learn about warning signs that someone may be planning to act and why now, more than ever, families need to take an intrusive parenting approach to monitoring children’s online activity and behavior.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Nov 2020

27 min 14 sec

Broward County, Florida has taken proactive measures to stop human trafficking by dedicating 11 child protective investigators to investigate allegations, but there remains significant challenges in prosecuting cases. In this episode, AMU professor Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks with Jumorrow Johnson, the human trafficking coordinator for the State Attorney's Office and the president of the Broward Human Trafficking Coalition. Learn why there must be a change in legislation, which currently allows child survivors to be deposed and leads to difficulties in getting survivors to testify. Also learn about efforts to educate officers and the public about what human trafficking really looks like.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Nov 2020

30 min 2 sec

More than ever, law enforcement officers must address mental health issues during their career and into retirement. In this episode, Wendy Hummell, a 24-year career officer and law enforcement spouse, talks about developing a robust peer support program for the Wichita (Kansas) Sheriff's Office. Learn how peer support can bridge mental health gaps with professional counseling, and provide training and resources for spouses and children resulting in more resilient law enforcement families. Also learn about other stress management tools including Yoga for First Responders, tactical breathing, mindfulness training, and more.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Oct 2020

36 min 21 sec

Human trafficking can look a lot different than what most people expect, especially in rural areas. In this episode, AMU criminal justice professor Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks to Dr. Christi Bartman about her work in rural Ohio to dispel myths and provide education, awareness, and resources about the reality of human trafficking. Learn about specific warning signs, what questions to ask, the type of resources human trafficking victims need, and much more.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Oct 2020

33 min 57 sec

Many criminal activities like human trafficking, cybercrime, drug trafficking, and organized crime go beyond national borders. In this episode, AMU criminal justice professor Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks with Mikel Irizar, Operations Specialist at INTERPOL’s Command and Coordination Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Learn how INTERPOL assists its 194 member-nations by coordinating criminal investigations, providing resources, sharing intelligence data, and even serving as a diplomatic outlet among countries that may not have other diplomatic ties.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Sep 2020

21 min 34 sec

Belize Central Prison has not had a single reported case of COVID-19. In this episode, AMU Criminal Justice professor Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks with Virgilio Murillo, the CEO of the Kolbe Foundation, which manages the prison for the Belize government. Learn about the measures implemented to prevent COVID-19 from entering the prison and spreading including limiting outside visitation, installing hand washing stations, conducting temperature checks, and disinfecting and sanitizing the facility. During all these changes, Murillo talks about the importance of keeping prisoners educated and informed about the virus so they understand the reason behind new protocols and do their part to protect other inmates and staff.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Sep 2020

36 min 56 sec

Prisons have long been breeding grounds for communicable diseases, so when COVID-19 hit, those working in corrections were accustomed to the health and safety protocol intended to reduce the spread of the virus. Despite this, the coronavirus has spread rampantly within facilities. In this episode, Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks to Dr. Michael Pittaro about additional measures to minimize the spread including controversial measures like releasing nonviolent offenders as well as other potential changes that might arise from the coronavirus pandemic.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Sep 2020

31 min 36 sec

Experts predict the country will need 100,000 contact tracers to track down the contacts of positive coronavirus cases. As a result, state public health agencies are scrambling to hire and train these professionals. In this episode, hear from Charlie Hunt, a senior analyst at the Kansas Health Institute (KHI) and a former state epidemiologist. Mr. Hunt discusses the critical role of contact tracers, the skills needed to be an effective contact tracer, and the challenges states face recruiting, hiring and training contact tracers during a pandemic. Also learn about KHI's collaboration to create a free, online training program, Every Contact Counts, to help prepare contact tracers for their vital public health role.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Aug 2020

23 min 29 sec

What circumstantial evidence exists in the unsolved murder of Rebekah Gould and is it enough to obtain a conviction in court? In the fifth and final planned episode of this series, Jen Bucholtz shares her list of circumstantial evidence she’s uncovered and who it points to as the most likely suspect. Roadblocks Jen has encountered with various personnel associated with Rebekah’s investigation are discussed. Also learn about the current status of Rebekah's case including the assignment of a new investigator, the establishment of a $25,000 reward fund, and a recent invitation to present the facts of this cold case to a prominent law enforcement investigation group called the Vidocq Society.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jul 2020

49 min 2 sec

What, specifically, caused Rebekah Gould’s death? In the fourth episode of this podcast series, Jennifer Bucholtz analyzes the findings detailed in Rebekah’s autopsy report to better understand the injuries she sustained. Learn how Jen sought the assistance of other professionals to recreate Rebekah’s injuries in order to determine how many times Rebekah was struck with a blunt object, the order in which those blows were delivered, the probable size and shape of the weapon, and other critical details.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jul 2020

30 min 33 sec

What do the actions of a killer tell investigators about their personality, motive, and identity? In the third episode of this series, AMU Criminal Justice professor Jennifer Bucholtz outlines a behavioral analysis profile of Rebekah Gould’s killer. Learn how the killer’s actions such as killing Rebekah while two dogs were likely in the house, cleaning up the murder scene, and removing her body from the primary crime scene, tells investigators about the type of person who committed this crime.  To join the effort to help solve Rebekah’s murder, join the Facebook group, Unsolved Murder of Rebekah Gould. If you have any information about Rebekah’s murder, send a confidential email to [email protected]. Read more about Jen’s investigation at In Public Safety.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jul 2020

37 min 34 sec

In the second episode of this five-part podcast series, gain a local perspective about the area where Rebekah Gould was murdered in 2004. Hear what Jennifer Bucholtz learned during her trip to Arkansas and what she discovered about the likely route the killer took between the house where Rebekah was killed and the site where her body was left. This episode also features journalist and true-crime author, George Jared, who was part of the original search party for Rebekah's body and has since written many articles about her unsolved murder. To join the effort to help solve Rebekah’s murder, join the Facebook group, Unsolved Murder of Rebekah Gould. If you have any information about Rebekah’s murder, send a confidential email to [email protected]. Read more about Jen’s investigation at In Public Safety.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jul 2020

55 min 51 sec

In September 2004, 22-year-old college student Rebekah Gould was murdered near Melbourne, Arkansas. Her case remains unsolved. In the first episode of this five-part series, learn about the evidence in this cold case from Jennifer Bucholtz, a criminal justice and forensic science professor at American Military University, who has spent months reviewing and analyzing the facts of this unsolved murder. Listen now to learn what the forensic evidence tells investigators about Rebekah’s killer and how applying behavioral analysis techniques can help narrow down the suspects. To join the effort to help solve Rebekah’s murder, join the Facebook group, Unsolved Murder of Rebekah Gould. If you have any information about Rebekah’s murder, send a confidential email to [email protected]. Read more about Jen’s investigation at In Public Safety.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jul 2020

42 min 6 sec

There are many conversations happening around racial inequality, diversity, and unconscious bias. But are those discussions effective? In this episode, AMU Program Director Dr. Larry D. Parker Jr. talks about how phrases like "I don't see color" can actually be unproductive in addressing diversity and inclusion. Learn about Dr. Parker’s research on "outgroups" and how leaders can engage those who don’t feel included by creating a structured campaign that acknowledges concerns, keeps leaders accountable, places a value on improving diversity and inclusion, and measures progress towards organizational change.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jun 2020

31 min 14 sec

In this episode of In Public Safety Matters, Dr. Kevin Kupietz, who has spent more than 30 years working in emergency management, discusses his role in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic as a member of the National Disaster Medical System. Learn more about the unique challenges facing emergency managers in responding to the coronavirus outbreak, the importance of all-hazards training and preparation, and what lessons can be learned from the response so far.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Apr 2020

35 min 16 sec

Dr. Crosston, former Program Director for Intelligence Studies at American Military University, talks to Dr. Kate Brannum and Dr. Michelle Watts of AMU about their research and the role of non-state actors in emergency response in Guatemala. Drs. Brannum and Watts conducted field research in Guatemala examining the response to the catastrophic eruption of Volcan de Fuego in 2018.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Mar 2020

33 min 8 sec

The potential public health threat posed by COVID-19 is high, both globally and for the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Samer Koutoubi, Public Health Program Director at American Military University, addresses the growing threat of the Coronavirus in the United States, how it’s impacting schools and businesses, current health protocols in Washington state, continuity planning, and what can be done to prepare for the growing number of cases in the U.S. In the realm of online education, there is a lot of discussion around long-term and short-term solutions for mitigating the spread of the virus, as well as the benefits of social distancing.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Mar 2020

16 min 48 sec

Angela Hill spent a decade as an intelligence analyst for the intelligence community, working with operators who gathered information from human sources. In this episode, she discusses how human intelligence (HUMINT) incorporates social engineering, highlights indicators of HUMINT collection, and shares actions for business leaders who suspect someone may be trying to get information from them.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Dec 2019

21 min 26 sec

Robert Hood, the former warden of the Supermax, spent more than 35 years working to reform inmates and reduce recidivism. Hear how his background as an educator inspired him to institute individualized education plans, or IEPs, for inmates and how he believes this strategy could be applied on a larger scale to help inmates successfully reenter society.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Dec 2019

24 min 26 sec

Mental health is not a topic many firefighters want to talk about, but one firefighter is determined to start the conversation in his firehouse. Brad Bouchillon has spent the last 10 years working as a full-time firefighter in Georgia and, as a Captain, believes part of his leadership role is to help end the stigma around addressing trauma and mental health issues. Listen to the podcast to learn how he connects with firefighters he suspects are suffering, what advice he has about self-care and communicating better at home, the benefits of seeking professional counseling, and how to find the right counselor.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

Aug 2019

24 min 52 sec

Starting in 1979, at least 28 children, adolescents, and adults were murdered during a two-year period in Atlanta, Georgia. The series of murders is often referred to as the Atlanta Child Murders. American Military University criminal justice faculty member, Jon Hager, who spent 16 years as death investigator specializing in forensic science, discusses the forensic evidence that was critical in convicting Wayne Williams of two of these murders.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jul 2019

19 min 52 sec

Police officers are well trained to respond to domestic violence calls, but they don’t always have a full understanding of what evidence and information is needed to prosecute such cases. American Military University graduate, Scot DuFour, has been an officer since 2004 and currently works as an investigator in a domestic violence prosecutions unit. In this podcast, he shares what steps officers should take every time they respond to a domestic violence call including having the victim undergo a forensic medical exam, documenting stalking behavior, and interviewing children to provide prosecutors the evidence they need to build a strong case against the perpetrator.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jul 2019

29 min 28 sec

Police officers, firefighters, and EMTs are likely to experience high levels of stress and trauma. These experiences not only impact their own mental health, but can also be detrimental to the well being of their spouse and children. American Military University professor Dr. Marie Isom has extensive experience providing both child and family counseling. In this episode, she provides insight to the unique challenges first responder families face and the benefits of professional counseling, including improved communication, coping techniques, and problem-solving skills, that can help make a family unit more resilient.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jun 2019

23 min 2 sec

There has been growing media attention and public scrutiny on use-of-force incidents involving law enforcement. As a result, many agencies are enhancing de-escalation training, which teaches officers techniques to help them diffuse volatile situations. American Military University criminal justice faculty member, Andrew Bell, talks with host Leischen Stelter about the benefits of this training, what techniques worked best for him in his 20-year policing career, as well as the potential impact of such techniques on officer safety.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jun 2019

27 min 40 sec

After law enforcement used DNA and a genetic genealogy database to identify the Golden State Killer, there has been growing interest in how this investigative technique can help solve other cold cases. American Military University’s Criminal Justice Program Director, Dr. Chuck Russo, discusses the potential of using genetic genealogy databases in investigations, the challenges agencies face in using this approach, and the legal challenges that may lay ahead.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

May 2019

24 min 39 sec

Responding to an emergency medical situation can be chaotic, even for well-trained medical professionals. That’s why it’s so important for EMS agencies to use an incident command system (ICS) so it’s clear who’s in charge. Yet many EMS agencies have not embraced ICS, says longtime paramedic and firefighter, Brad Davison. On this episode, Davison talks with host Leischen Stelter about his department’s journey to implement a modified ICS model, the challenges faced training personnel, and the remarkable improvements in medical care.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

May 2019

27 min 59 sec