
10 years at Acquia

April 18, 2011. I’m taking breakfast at a hotel in Woburn, MA. In front of me, there’s a guy on his phone. I could swear I saw him somewhere. Turns out I knew him from Drupalcon pictures. For the next few years, Tim Millwood would become my fellow Supportian, echo chamber, and trusted ally to hold the fort with me during EMEA hours.

Quick and easy way to automate installing Drupal 9 with Lando

It’s that time again! Drupal 9 will be released later this year and it’s never too late to test patches and contribute. Thinking about it, I wondered how to quickly test patches and install Drupal 9 from my local Git checkout. When I say quickly it means it really should be dead simple, by typing one command only. The idea being to make sure I’d always install Drupal from the 9.0.x branch at the latest commit to follow changes.

Playing with the drupal quick-start command

The other day I was reviewing my read later items and stumbled upon the New command line tool to install & run Drupal change record I had completely forgotten about. This was timely because I was extensively testing the excellent Acquia Developer Studio for work and was trying to think about how it could help me review core changes quickly or contribute more easily. Turns out, you can’t ask for a tool to do everything and sometimes it’s important to get back to finding the right tool for the job. And in this instance, quick-start has no equivalent that I know of in terms of ease of use and required dependencies.

Reverse engineer freelancing platforms to find talent

For the past few months, I’ve been working on a very exciting side project related to knowledge management I had in the back of my mind for years. I’ve reached a point where I need to find talent to help me build new features and get the app closer to being ready for production. My constraints are as follows:

So long, Twitter

I really, really don’t like social networks. I managed to stay away from Facebook for all these years, but have to confess I enjoy Twitter because it makes me better at my job. It brings instant updates about tech news, blogs, tips and tricks from the field and overall info that I’d never be able to know about otherwise. Leaving Twitter is hard and painful. So was ditching the Mac. But at the end of the day it’s all about values and consistency. When you wake up in the morning and you no longer feel good about something, then it’s time for a change.

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