Indigenous people of New Guinea

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Papuans in the Yahukimo Regency
Children dressed up for sing-sing

The indigenous peoples of New Guinea, commonly called Papuans,[1] are Australo-Melanesians.

There are two major human population groups in New Guinea and neighboring islands today:

  1. a first wave from Out-of-Africa migrants, perhaps 60,000 years ago when New Guinea and Australia were a single landmass called Sahul,
  2. and, much later, a wave of Austronesian people from the north who introduced Austronesian languages and pigs about 4,000 years ago, and who left a small but significant genetic trace in many coastal Papuan peoples.

Linguistically, Papuans speak mostly languages from the Papuan language family, a diverse grouping of related and isolated languages, as well as Austronesian languages along parts of the coast, and recently developed creoles such as Tok Pisin, Unserdeutsch, and Papuan Malay.[2][3][4]

The term "Papuan" is used in a wider sense in linguistics and anthropology. In linguistics, "Papuan languages" is a cover term for the diverse, mutually unrelated, non-Austronesian language families spoken in Melanesia, the Torres Strait Islands, and parts of Wallacea. In anthropology, "Papuan" is often used to denote the highly diverse aboriginal populations of Melanesia and Wallacea prior to the arrival of Austronesian-speakers, and the dominant genetic traces of these populations in the current ethnic groups of these areas.[3]


The language families in Ross' conception of the Trans-New Guinea language family.

Ethnologue's 14th edition lists 826 languages of Papua New Guinea and 257 languages of Western New Guinea, a total of 1073 languages, with 12 languages overlapping. They can be divided into two groups, the Austronesian languages, and all the others, called Papuan languages for convenience. The term Papuan languages refers to an areal grouping, rather than a linguistic one. So-called Papuan languages comprise hundreds of different languages, most of which are not related.[5]

Papuan ethnic groups[edit]

The following indigenous peoples live within the modern borders of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Austronesian-speaking (AN) groups are given in italics.

Indonesian West Papua[edit]

Here are Papuan ethnic groups / tribes in Indonesian province of West Papua:[6]

  • Abun
  • Ambel
  • Arfak
  • Awe
  • Ayamaru
  • Ayfat
  • Aytino
  • Batanta
  • Biga
  • Bira
  • Borai
  • Butlih
  • Domu
  • Doreri
  • Emeyode
  • Fiawat
  • Hatam
  • Irarutu
  • Irires
  • Iwaro
  • Kais
  • Kawe
  • Koiwai
  • Kuri
  • Langanyan
  • Madekwana
  • Mairasi
  • Maniwak
  • Matbat
  • Mbaham
  • Matta
  • Meiah
  • Meybrat
  • Miere
  • Miyah
  • Moi
  • Moire
  • Moru
  • Moskona
  • Mpur
  • Napiti
  • Nerigo
  • Oburauw
  • Roon
  • Roswar
  • Sebyar Kemberan
  • Sebyar Damban
  • Sougb
  • Soviar
  • Sumuri
  • Tehit
  • Tepin
  • Wamesa
  • Warumba
  • Waruri
  • Wawiyai
  • Wondama
  • Yaban Nerigo
  • Yaben

Indonesian Papua[edit]

Here are Papuan ethnic groups / tribes in Indonesian province of Papua.[7]

Jayapura City
  • Kayu Batu/ Kayu Pulau
  • Tobati/Enggros
  • Nafri
  • Skouw
  • Sentani
Jayapura Regency
  • Demta
  • Kaureh
  • Kemtuk
  • Kawamsu
  • Mekwei
  • Narau
  • Gresi
  • Nimboran
  • Oria
  • Ormu
  • Kapori
  • Foya
  • Sauso
  • Tabia
  • Tarpia
  • Taworfa
  • Yansu
  • Yamna
  • Kendate
  • Tofamna
  • Bauwi
Sarmi Regency
  • Akwaikai
  • Airoran
  • Anus
  • Baburiwa
  • Bagusa
  • Yarsun
  • Bapu
  • Bonerif
  • Lairawa
  • Kauweraweo
  • Mander
  • Papasena
  • Wakde
  • Baso
  • Bonggo
  • Itik
  • Keder
  • Maremgi
  • Podena
  • Marembori
  • Babe
  • Kabera
  • Kwerba
  • Masimasi
  • Samarokena
  • Wares
  • Berik
  • Dabra
  • Kwesten
  • Massep
  • Sobei
  • Warotai
  • Betaf
  • Foau
  • Kapitiauw
  • Liki
  • Nopuk
Keeron Regency
  • Aywi
  • Janggu
  • Taikat
  • Yafi
  • Manem
  • Sowei
  • Dubu
  • Molof
  • Usku
  • Emumu
  • Sangke
  • Waina
  • Senggi
  • Waris
Biak Numfor Regency
  • Borapasi
  • Bonefa
  • Kofei
  • Sauri
  • Siromi
  • Tafaro
  • Waropen
  • Wairata
  • Burate
  • Sedasi
  • Otodema
  • Demisa
  • Demba
  • Biak
Waropen Regency
  • Amabi
  • Ansus
  • Busami
  • Karema
  • Kurudu
  • Marau
  • Munggui
  • Nisa
  • Papuma
  • Pom
  • Arui
  • Woi
  • Anate
  • Nakabui
Yapen Regency
  • Borapasi
  • Bonefa
  • Kofei
  • Sauri
  • Siromi
  • Tafaro
  • Waropen
  • Wairata
  • Burate
  • Sedasi
  • Otodema
  • Demisa
  • Demba
Mamberano Regency
Mimika Regency
  • Komoro
  • Sempan
  • Damal
  • Amung
Jayawijaya Regency
  • Nduga
  • Walak
  • Hugula
Yahukimo Regency
Tolikara Regency
  • Eiponek
  • Taori
  • Kwerisa
  • Toarikei
  • Turui
Pegunungan Bintang Regency
  • Yali
  • Ngalum
  • Biksi
  • Ketangban
  • Tyu
  • Sukubatong
  • Una
Painai Regency
Puncak Jaya Regency
Nabire Regency
  • Iresim
  • Mor
  • Tunggare
  • Yaur
Merauke Regency
Asmat Regency
Mappi Regency
  • Airo
  • Awyu
  • Kayagar
  • Siagha
  • Tamagario
  • Yaghay
  • Yaninu
  • Sumaghaghe
Boven Digoel Regency
  • Aghul
  • Iwur
  • Katik
  • Kauwoi
  • Kombai
  • Korowai
  • Kotogut
  • Yanggon
  • Okparimen
  • Ninggerum
  • Wambon
  • Wanggom
  • Yair

Papua New Guinea[edit]

Bismarck Archipelago[edit]

Origin and genetics[edit]

In a 2005 study of ASPM gene variants, Mekel-Bobrov et al. found that the Papuan people have among the highest rate of the newly evolved ASPM Haplogroup D, at 59.4% occurrence of the approximately 6,000-year-old allele.[8] While it is not yet known exactly what selective advantage is provided by this gene variant, the haplogroup D allele is thought to be positively selected in populations and to confer some substantial advantage that has caused its frequency to rapidly increase.

Main Y-DNA Haplogroups of Papuan people are Haplogroup MS, Haplogroup P and Haplogroup C1b2a; a significant minority belong also to Haplogroup O-M175.[9]

Notable people[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ From the Malay word pəpuah 'curly hair'. "Papuan". Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
  2. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica Online
  3. ^ a b Friedlaender, Jonathan; Friedlaender, FR; Reed FA; Kidd KK; Kidd JR (2008). "The Genetic Structure of Pacific Islanders". PLOS Genetics. 4 (3): e19. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.0040019. PMC 2211537. PMID 18208337.
  4. ^ Jinam, Timothy A.; Phipps, Maude E.; Aghakhanian, Farhang; Majumder, Partha P.; Datar, Francisco; Stoneking, Mark; Sawai, Hiromi; Nishida, Nao; Tokunaga, Katsushi; Kawamura, Shoji; Omoto, Keiichi; Saitou, Naruya (August 2017). "Discerning the Origins of the Negritos, First Sundaland People: Deep Divergence and Archaic Admixture". Genome Biology and Evolution. 9 (8): 2013–2022. doi:10.1093/gbe/evx118. PMC 5597900. PMID 28854687.
  5. ^ Palmer, Bill (2018). The Languages and Linguistics of the New Guinea Area. Mouton De Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-028642-7.
  6. ^ Ronsumbre, Adolof (2020). Ensiklopedia Suku Bangsa di Provinsi Papua Barat. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kepel Press. ISBN 978-602-356-318-0.
  7. ^ "Pemerintah Provinsi Papua". Retrieved 2021-02-16.
  8. ^ "Ongoing Adaptive Evolution of ASPM, a Brain Size Determinant in Homo sapiens", Science, 9 September 2005: Vol. 309. no. 5741, pp. 1720–1722.
  9. ^ 崎谷満『DNA・考古・言語の学際研究が示す新・日本列島史』(勉誠出版 2009年)(in Japanese)

Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]