Intel® Core™ Processors

Dell Precision Data Science Workstation

Congratulations on purchasing your Dell Precision Science Workstation (DSW). With it, you can go to work developing your latest and greatest Artificial Intelligence models and data insights on Day One - the day your DSW arrives.

It’s the Dell difference. Your Dell DSW, like all Dell Precision workstations, is the solution for professionals like you who do some of the most important and highly-valued work demand performance and reliability to perform their day to day tasks.

Included in your Dell DSW purchase is the NVIDIA Data Science Software Stack - the most complete and productive Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning/Deep Learning software stack – validated by NVIDIA and Dell Technologies for your Dell DSW.

It’s current. It has the very latest releases of all the software packages you need to be productive.

It’s validated. Data scientists, hardware, and software engineers at Dell, NVIDIA and Canonical continuously work together to make sure the short installation process simply works.

It’s ready for you to install and use. When your Dell arrives, install your Dell DSW’s flagship software stack, then go to work on Day One.

Click here to download the Dell Data Science Workstation Installation Guide (PDF). We’ve done all the hard work for you, but you are still in charge. Simply get online, then cut and paste the Guide’s installation command lines. Depending on your internet speed, you and your Dell DSW are ready for work in less than 2 hours.

Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions. Email us at [email protected].
Browse Dell Precision DSW and AI Ready platforms here.

Intel® Core™ Processors