The business of #cybersecurity depends on trust. And for some time now, detractors have been trying to diminish people’s trust in our products.
In Germany, leading business magazine
@wiwo published a survey that polled over 300,000 people and found@kaspersky was the fourth most trusted brand in the ‘software’ category. …Näytä tämä ketju -
A year ago, Gartner launched its Gartner Peer Insights project. It analyzed customers rating of brands. The result--
@kaspersky received the project’s highest award. …Näytä tämä ketju -
The Belgian Center for Cyber Security did its own research into
@kaspersky and found no support to allegations of our product being malicious. …Näytä tämä ketju -
However, there is no such thing as “too much trust.” At the
#ParisPeaceForum,@kaspersky supported the French govt.’s initiative to raise levels of trust, security, and stability in the digital world. …Näytä tämä ketju -
It’s no good just talking about ‘trust.’ It needs to be followed by action. And unfortunately, many
#cybersecurity companies are still unwilling/unable to do so and some stay silent.Näytä tämä ketju -
Which is why we’re proud to be at the forefront of this initiative. A year ago, we announced our
#GlobalTransparencyInitiative with the goal of defining our position in corporate and technology openness.äytä tämä ketju -
Phase 1 of our initiative included contracting leading data center providers in Zurich to securely store and process data shared by European customers of
@kasperskyäytä tämä ketju -
Yesterday we officially launched Phase 2: The opening of our first
#TransparencyCenter and data processing for European users in Zurich begins. We tweeted all about yesterday …Näytä tämä ketju -
The Transparency Center welcomes government stakeholders, enterprise partners and customers of
@kaspersky access to review our#codesäytä tämä ketju -
More information about our transparency principles is available here:
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