IBM Developer Technology Sandbox preview: Helping developers explore new technologies Learn more

The IBM Developer teams interact with our broader communities in a number of social and technical venues, both IBM and non-IBM.

The venues include, among others:

  • IBM Developer
  • Github
  • Influitive
  • Facebook
  • Linkedin
  • Disquis
  • Stack Overflow
  • Reddit

Each site has a Terms of Use or Terms of Service that specifies the intent of the site, what content and interactions are appropriate and what’s not, your responsibilities in using the site, and your obligations when using content on the site. This is especially important for source code content. When contributing source code content, e.g. in response to a question, or when using source code content in your application, take care to understand the license that governs your contribution or use and your responsibilities and obligations.

Finally, these are community sites open to the broader technical community, both IBM and non-IBM. The content contributed comes from a variety of sources, one of the benefits of an open community. Because of the variety of sources, you should ensure the accuracy and fitness of the content for your purposes.