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Social Impact

At Thomson Reuters, access to justice and transparency are at the heart of everything we do.  We help to create the backbone of legal and tax systems, providing accurate information that supports objective and fair outcomes. We are a free press that seeks to inform and empower people around the world, sharing our skills and knowledge to support journalism’s sustainable future. We partner with our employees, customers, and trusted partners to create opportunities for innovation, community investment, volunteer impact, and sustainable corporate citizenship.


Thank you to the journalists around the world who bring us the news about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Slowing the Infodemic: How to Spot COVID-19 Misinformation 

In the midst of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, we also find ourselves facing an “infodemic”; around the world we are being bombarded daily by new information, not all of which is accurate. Thomson Reuters and the National Association of Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) have come together to develop resources to help you fight this infodemic, seek out sources of facts, and help flatten the curve of misinformation.

We invite you to: 

Listen as Michelle Ciulla Lipkin, Executive Director of NAMLE, has an in-depth conversation with Hazel Baker, Head of User Generated Content Newsgathering at Reuters, on her team’s work in combatting misinformation
Watch as Hazel Baker shares four quick tips on spotting misinformation in your everyday interactions
Share our “Spotting COVID-19 Misinformation” tips sheet with others
Teach our younger generation about media literacy by leveraging this educators’ guide

Power of Teamwork: VOLS Leadership Summit on Pro Bono & Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Thomson Reuters New York Legal Pro Bono team and the Social Impact Institute hosted the virtual Volunteers of Legal Service (VOLS) Leadership Summit on Pro Bono & Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.  The purpose of the Summit was to find synergies between Pro Bono and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI). The Opening Plenary session featured distinguished speakers from across corporate, law firm, law school, and non-profits discussing methods to address the distinct needs and priorities of pro bono and DEI initiatives within organizations.  View a recording of the session.

Our approach

Our approach, guided by our Trust Principles and underpinned by the Thomson Reuters Code of Business Conduct & Ethics, is at the core to our purpose and values, and is articulated through our Social Impact Policy.

Thomson Reuters is dedicated to upholding the Trust Principles and to preserving its independence, integrity and freedom from bias in the gathering and dissemination of information and news.

We report annually on our progress and performance related to responsible business practices in our annual report.

We are members of the United Nations Global Compact, this commitment makes us accountable to the Ten Principles and also informs how we are supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.

Our people

We believe strength is derived from the talents, ideas, and experiences of our people. We know that an inclusive workplace where all employees are valued and have the opportunity to reach their full potential is also a successful one. Providing our employees with tools and support to give back to causes important to them is a core belief.

Our markets

We help create the backbone of legal and tax systems, providing accurate information that supports objective and fair outcomes. We are a free press that seeks to inform and empower people around the world, sharing our skills and knowledge to support journalism’s sustainable future. 

Our world

We know that supporting the communities in which we live and work is fundamental to our business; so too is managing our environmental impacts through our own sustainable business practices and by working with suppliers who share our values.

Our foundation

The Thomson Reuters Foundation

As an independent charity, registered in the UK and the USA, the Thomson Reuters Foundation works to advance media freedom, foster more inclusive economies, and promote human rights. Through news, media development, free legal assistance, and convening initiatives, we combine our unique services to drive systemic change.

Our accomplishments

Our achievements in Corporate Responsibility & Inclusion have been recognized around the world.