Pharmacy Performance Analytics

Take control of your pharmacy profitability using analytics.

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Reimbursement pressures for pharmacies are greater than ever, making intelligent use of data more critical than ever.
Reimbursement pressures are greater than ever, making intelligent use of data more critical than ever.
DIR fees are growing, to nearly 1.5% of Total Pharmacy’s Sales.
DIR fees are growing and equal almost 1.5% of total pharmacy sales.
Lower the costs of data analytics up to 30% with Inmar's pharmacy performance analytics tools.
Lower the costs of data analytics up to 30%.

Maintaining profitability is increasingly challenging for pharmacies.

Economic headwinds, including changes in reimbursement, have completely changed the way pharmacies must think about payer contracts and business intelligence. With the proliferation of Effective Rate contracting, post-adjudication adjustments like DIR, and the shift to pay-for-performance and value-based contracts, the challenges are increasing.

Without the proper tools or the required visibility into overall business activity, pharmacies can't make informed decisions to drive success and protect margins. Our Pharmacy Performance Analytics (PPA) solution provides the data and leverage you need to negotiate better reimbursement rates so you're positioned for success.

Inmar's Pharmacy Performance Analytics tools help you maintain profitability.

With PPA, you can:

  • Maintain profitability for generic reimbursement rates through MAC and GER management.
  • Monitor contract rate compliance to manage brand reimbursement practices.
  • Make informed decisions regarding preferred drugs and U&C pricing and improve profitability through cost management.
  • Manage cash prices to balance competitive pricing and third-party reimbursement impacts.
  • Quantify and forecast the impact of DIR fees and/or performance-based contract language.
  • Use industry-wide data to benchmark key metrics for carriers and drugs.

PPA will give you the data and business intelligence required to maximize profitability and maintain a competitive position in an evolving market.


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Call (866) 440-6917 or email [email protected]

Not available in Canada.