Legal Notice


Publisher Identity

The site, accessible via the URL address “” (hereinafter the Website) is published by the company GENERIX SA (hereinafter the Publisher), Limited Company with a Management Board and Supervisory Board with a capital of € 11,083,884.50, whose registered office is at ARTEPARC - Bât. A - 2 rue des peupliers 59810 LESQUIN - France, entered in the commercial and companies register of Lille under number 377 619 150, represented by Jean Charles DECONNINCK in his capacity as Chairman of the Board.

SIRET 377 619 150 00115
EU VAT No. FR 88377619150
RCS Lille B 377 619 150
E-mail: [email protected]

The Site’s Director of Publication is the Chairman of the Company GENERIX SA.

Web production & hosting

Web agency

La Netscouade
8 Passage Brûlon,
75012 Paris
Phone : + 33 (0)1 44 72 36 66
Email : [email protected]
Simplified joint stock company with a single shareholder (SASU) with a capital of 100,000.00 €.
RCS of Paris - Siret : 499 387 405


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75002 Paris
Phone: +33 (0) 1 40 09 30 00
SIRET : 521 496 059 00036


All the information provided on this site is given for information purposes only. Consequently, these information can in no way be considered as a contractual offer of services or products and can not replace the consultation of a Generix Group representative. For more information, please contact us.

Despite all the care taken in the creation of this site and its regular updating, errors/omissions may have crept into the information and/or documents presented. The users of the site will therefore proceed to all useful verifications.
Some information or documents accessible on the site are available in French and in other languages. The attention of site users is drawn to the fact that in the event of a discrepancy in the wording of the different versions, the French version shall prevail.

Any visitor to the Generix Group site is considered as accepting the application of French law.
It is up to the user of this site to take all appropriate measures to protect his own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet. In general, Generix Group declines all responsibility for any damage that may occur during consultation of this site.

In the spirit of the Internet, links to other sites are provided for information purposes only and do not engage the responsibility of GENERIX GROUP, either in terms of content or access conditions. Conversely, the establishment of links to one or more pages of the present site is authorized under the condition that this or these page(s) appear(s) in a whole page under the URL

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The present site is declared to the CNIL: under the number 792366.
Concerned about the respect of privacy, the Publisher, in its capacity as data controller, respects the privacy of the users of the Site and complies with the provisions of Law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, in its current version, as well as with the recommendations issued by the National Commission for Data Processing and Freedoms (CNIL).

The personal information collected via e-mail or forms (games, contests, etc.) is only intended for use by Generix Group; it will only be communicated to third parties for the sole purpose of management or to meet legal and regulatory obligations.

The Publisher therefore takes all appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality of your personal data.

However, we cannot ensure the confidentiality of the messages you may send us through an open telecommunications network.

The Editor informs you that you have the right to access and rectify any personal information concerning you.

You also have the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data concerning you.

Any request to exercise the right of access, rectification or opposition must be made in writing, be signed by the applicant, include the address to which the reply should be sent, be accompanied by proof of identity, and sent:
- by e-mail to [email protected]
- by post by writing to the following address:

2 rue des peupliers
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 41 48 00
Fax : +33 (0)3 2041 48 09

SIRET 377 619 150 00115
RCS Lille B 377 619 150
Intra-Community VAT F 88377619150

GENERIX GROUP makes every effort to provide users with available and verified information and/or tools.

To learn more about the data protection policy, click here

Intellectual property rights

The Generix Group site is an intellectual work protected by the legislation in force.

All the elements making up the site, such as, by way of example, the name, logos, drawings, photos, animations, downloadable documents and any other document are the exclusive property of Generix SA.

To this end, any representation, reproduction, modification, commercial use as well as any transfer to another site and/or whatever the medium are prohibited without the express written authorization of the Director of Publication, under penalty of constituting an infringement of copyright and/or designs and/or trademarks, punishable by three years imprisonment and a fine of €300,000.

Only a strictly personal use is authorized.