Thomas Suedbroecker

Developer AdvocateHybrid Cloud Build Team

IoTJavaScriptServerlessConversationComputer visionDevOpsNode.jsContinuous deliveryContainersCloudMicroservices


Thomas Suedbroecker is a Developer Advocate @IBM and aims to provide help and guidance for developers to become familiar with cloud development topics and how to use relevant CICD in IBM Cloud.
He is currently focusing on Microservices, containers running on Kubernetes or RedHat OpenShift.

He follows the guideline: “You may fall down, but you have to get up again!"

Thomas is covering Software/Cloud development profession topics since 1999.
He started as consultant and took responsibilities in many customer situations.
In several roles Thomas did talks at conferences, he led a software testing community in different technical sales roles at Rational Software and IBM.
He started his software development journey in the OOAD area.
In his spare time he loves to play the drums and creating own music with a band.

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