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Azure Load Testing

Fully managed load-testing service built for Azure that makes it easy to generate high-scale load and identify app performance bottlenecks

Optimize app performance with high-scale load testing

Enable developers and testers to generate high-scale load and run simulations that reveal actionable insights into app performance, scalability, and capacity with a fully managed load-testing service. Get started quickly using existing Apache JMeter scripts, gain specialized recommendations backed by comprehensive metrics and analytics, and support continuous improvement through automated continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows—all with a testing service built for Azure.

Simplified, cloud-based load-testing service with high-fidelity support for Apache JMeter

Comprehensive view of curated client and server metrics with actionable insights into app performance

Integration with CI/CD workflows for automated, collaborative load testing

Streamlined billing and test management that builds on existing Azure conventions

Quickly and easily generate high-scale load

Streamline load testing with a fully managed service that simplifies the infrastructure of high-scale load simulations while enabling you to run existing test scripts at scale with high-fidelity support for Apache JMeter. Streamline load generation with a service optimized for Azure that automatically incorporates networking best practices to ensure a frictionless testing experience for endpoints hosted on Azure.

Identify bottlenecks with actionable insights

Optimize your app's scalability and capacity by observing how a high load affects its performance. Get deep, actionable insights and recommendations from a comprehensive view of curated client and server metrics to understand and improve app performance at scale—all on a single dashboard. Visually compare load tests to see the effect of application and environmental changes, along with how tests affect all parts of your app.

Build load testing into your DevOps workflows

Easily build load testing into automated CI/CD workflows to help catch and block performance regressions early in the development lifecycle. Establish a performance baseline to compare tests against and set clear pass and fail criteria for load tests running in deployment pipelines. View load test summaries in GitHub and Azure Pipelines or get more details in the Azure portal.

Use a fully managed testing service for Azure

Experience a frictionless, cost-effective testing service that builds on other Azure services. Confidently generate load at any scale without having to worry about networking issues or overloads. Azure Load Testing automatically incorporates Azure networking best practices to avoid tests being mistaken for a security risk, and auto-abort sensors identify throttling and provide recommendations to improve runtime reliability.

Comprehensive security and compliance, built in

Keep costs low by paying for only what you use

You'll be charged for each instance of load testing resources, which includes 50 virtual user hours per month. If you use more than 50 hours per month, you'll be billed for your additional usage.

Get started with an Azure free account

Start free. Get $200 credit to use in 30 days. While you have your credit, get free amounts of popular services and 45+ other services.

After your credit, move to pay as you go to keep getting popular services and 45+ other services. Only pay if you use more than the free monthly amounts.

After 12 months, you'll continue getting 45+ services free always—and still only pay for what you use beyond the free monthly amounts.

Frequently asked questions about Azure Load Testing

  • US East
    US East 2
    Australia East
    North Europe
    South Central US
  • Azure Load Testing supports simulating up to 25,000 concurrent virtual users in a load test. This limit may increase later based on customer feedback.

    Learn how to configure high-scale load with Azure Load Testing.

  • Each load test can be configured to run up to a maximum of 3 hours.

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