
Internet of Things & Embedded Security

Minimising risk and addressing cybersecurity threats to IoT systems and embedded devices


The Internet of Things forms a cornerstone to digital transformation in all industry sectors. It’s already changing world around us in manufacturing, agriculture, city infrastructure, retail and the automotive industry. This latest industrial revolution relies on all its component parts, from sensors to data centres, incorporating interconnected, unassailable defences against cyberthreats and malicious attacks.

Security by Design

Providing all the tools to secure every software and hardware component of your interconnected systems, enabling a fully validated Chain of Trust to be established, without overloading individual systems or devices, or limiting overall flexibility

Built-in Security at OS level

The KasperskyOS operating system is designed protect diverse and complex embedded systems from the consequences of malicious code, viruses and hacker attacks, through strong separation and policy enforcement.

Embedded Protection

Harden and protect your Microsoft Windows based embedded devices and computers with a solution created to optimise security for Low-end systems with limited memory capacity, that doesn’t require ongoing maintenance or internet connectivity

Automotive security

Built-in ‘Security for Safety’ based on KasperskyOS technology, a single secure gateway into ECUs, and a spectrum of security assessment services addressing the needs of current and future connected vehicles.

Case Studies

Explore examples of Kaspersky Lab security solutions at work in the field

The Use

  • Telecommunication equipment

    • Protecting the exploitation of built-in backdoors or known vulnerabilities in firmware
    • Identifying and preventing unauthorised attempts to modify firmware
    • Operates autonomously without maintenance or software updates for extended periods of time
  • Embedded Systems

    • Protection that operates effectively in closed networks without a stable Internet connection
    • Meeting compliance with Industry Standards
    • A modular approach with low demands on hardware resources supports legacy and low-end systems
  • Automotive

    • Protection of sensitive data (i.e. encryption keys, logs, telematics data) from unauthorised access
    • Secure boot and protection against the unauthorised modification of firmware and software
    • Isolation of infotainment from safety critical system (advanced driver assistance systems, AUTOSAR)

Premium Support and Professional Services

Professional help is available whenever you need it. Operating in more than 200 countries, from 34 offices worldwide, we have you covered 24/7/365. Take advantage of our Premium support packages, or call on our Professional Services to ensure that you derive maximum benefit from your Kaspersky Lab security installation.

White Papers

Learn more, with thought leadership from our globally recognised cybersecurity experts

The Risk

Embedded devices have traditionally been considered as too operationally remote and disconnected from on-line systems to require high levels of protection. But digital Transformation and the Internet of Things changes everything. Interconnected components need holistic security against threats including:

  • <p>Theft and exploitation of confidential data and user credentials</p>

    Theft and exploitation of confidential data and user credentials

  • <p>Ransomware attacks and crypto-malware</p>

    Ransomware attacks and crypto-malware

  • <p>The implementation of unauthorised firmware</p>

    The implementation of unauthorised firmware

  • <p>Remote access and attacks from mobile devices</p>

    Remote access and attacks from mobile devices

  • <p>User data sniffing, and 'Man-in-the-Middle' attacks</p>

    User data sniffing, and 'Man-in-the-Middle' attacks

  • <p>The exploitation of applications software vulnerabilities</p>

    The exploitation of applications software vulnerabilities

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