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Build secure apps on a trusted platform. Embed security in your developer workflow and foster collaboration with a DevSecOps framework.

Securely deliver innovative apps at DevOps speed

As new types of cybersecurity attacks rise, harden your development environment and software supply chain by integrating security early in the development cycle. DevSecOps combines GitHub and Azure products and services to help DevOps and SecOps teams collaborate in building more secure apps.

Help protect your environment by involving everyone in your organization in building and operating secure applications. "Shift-left" security is about incorporating security thinking in the earliest stages of development, from planning to development, packaging, and deployment. Detect potential security vulnerabilities automatically at code review time by integrating security into the developer workflow with Visual Studio and GitHub.

Achieve better control of your software supply chain when using third-party code and open-source software for your applications. Develop with confidence with Azure and GitHub products and services that inspect your code in production and trace third-party components in use for increased security.

Leverage an extensive set of Azure services that make operating your application more convenient and safer. Run your code on managed application platforms, including Kubernetes, and leverage trusted services to manage your keys, tokens, and secrets securely. Increase confidence in the security of your environment with policies. Then, ensure smooth, safe operations by leveraging real-time monitoring solutions for your applications and infrastructure.

Protect your application, code, and infrastructure with tight access control. Azure offers leading identity services for your organization’s internal users as well as external consumers who access your applications. Use the DevSecOps identity platform to secure access to your code on GitHub, manage granular permissions for Azure resources, and offer authentication and authorization services for your applications.

Leverage a complete set of products and services—or choose only the ones you need

GitHub, the world's most popular developer platform, offers advanced features that help you secure your app's code and dependencies.

  • Identify vulnerabilities in your code with GitHub Advanced Security and CodeQL, the industry’s leading semantic code analysis engine.
  • Identify and remediate security issues in your dependencies using security alerts and automated security updates (Dependabot).
  • Get alerts with secret scanning when credentials and tokens are mistakenly committed into source control.

When you use Azure Pipelines for continuous integration, your code is compiled and packaged into a Docker container on each commit and automatically deployed to a test environment. he continuous delivery capabilities of Azure Pipelines allow you to confidently build production-ready container images with full end-to-end traceability. Trace the commits, work items, and artifacts of every image to understand the code running in your environment.

Production container images are stored on Azure Container Registry, where they are automatically scanned for vulnerabilities via container integration with Azure Security Center.

Deploy your AKS cluster directly from your CI/CD pipeline, using infrastructure-as-code solutions such as Terraform.

Integrate Azure Policy with AKS to ensure that operations are compliant.

Use Azure Key Vault to securely store keys, certificates, tokens, and other secrets, so your applications can load them at run time. This is a safer alternative than including them with your applications' code.

Whether you're building an external-facing or internal line-of-business app, use Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to securely manage identity and access control.

Authenticate users with your organization’s directory and rely on advanced security features such as multifactor authentication, identity protection, and anomalous activity reports.

Protect access to your Azure resources and the Azure portal with granular role-based access control (RBAC).

Manage access to your business-to consumer applications for external users with Azure Active Directory B2C.

With Azure Monitor, monitor both your application and infrastructure in real-time, identifying issues with your code and potential suspicious activities and anomalies.

Azure Monitor integrates with release pipelines in Azure Pipelines to enable automatic approval of quality gates or release rollback based on monitoring data.

Learn how integrate your security team with an existing DevOps team

Read 6 tips to integrate security into your DevOps practices to learn how cutting-edge organizations have implemented DevSecOps across their businesses.

Learn more about DevSecOps products and services

GitHub Enterprise

Innovate at scale by securely bringing open-source code and best practices to your enterprise projects.

Azure Boards

Plan, track, and discuss work across your teams.

Azure AD

Manage, control, and monitor access to critical resources in your organization with identity and access management.

Azure Security Center

Leverage secure score to identify potential areas of risk in your application's infrastructure.

GitHub Codespaces

Leverage blazing-fast cloud developer environments powered by Visual Studio Code and backed by high-performance virtual machines (VMs) that start in seconds.

DevSecOps in Azure

If your business is storing custom or client data, develop solutions to cover the management and interface of this data with security in mind. DevSecOps utilizes security best practices from the beginning of development, rather than auditing at the end, using a shift-left strategy.

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Customers are securely delivering innovation with DevSecOps

Securely reducing deployment time securely at DevOps speed

To improve deployment time, CDT implemented Azure and GitHub for their DevSecOps processes, CI/CD, and infrastructure. Now their teams can collaborate and release code faster and more securely.

California Department of Technology

IT consulting, powered by DevSecOps

"As part of the best practices for DevSecOps, we recommend our DevSecOps platform, methods, and GitHub as a key part of this ecosystem. As our customers' processes mature, we expect to see more and more use of GitHub Enterprise."

Naresh Choudhary, Vice President of Reuse and Tools, Infosys

Adopting security as company culture with DevSecOps

"The culture of the company has been built from communication and interactions where security is everyone's responsibility. Whether you're an engineer or you're a product manager, you have to care about security, just like you have to care about the functionality and quality of the product."

Emilio Escobar, Chief Information Security Officer, Datadog

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Find out how to safeguard your multicloud apps and resources.

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