Due to increased levels of COVID in the area, for the time being we will be holding our Saturday meetings as a remote-only meetings.

As a reminder, we meet every Saturday at 1:30 pm.  For information on how to access our meetings remotely, please send an email to [email protected]

Thanks, everyone. Stay warm and safe.

Communities United Against Police BrutalityTM is a Twin-Cities based organization that was created to deal with police brutality on an ongoing basis. We work on the day-to-day abuses as well as taking on the more extreme cases. Our overriding goal is to create a climate of resistance to abuse of authority by police organizations and to empower local people with a structure that can take on police brutality and actually bring it to an end. We provide support for survivors of police brutality and families of victims so they can reclaim their dignity and join the struggle to end police brutality.


We refer to people who have lost their lives through the actions of law enforcement as Stolen Lives.  CUAPB helps many families of stolen lives to gather evidence in their cases, hire an attorney, deal with media, etc.  We also operate a fund to help pay for independent autopsies, investigators, legal fees and other needs that allow families to achieve a measure of justice.

We are starting a monthly newsletter that will feature cases we are working on and the impact of the Stolen Lives Justice Fund in the lives of families.  Please check out our first edition.  Please consider supporting the fund by becoming a monthly sustainer.  Your help makes a world of difference to the families of people lost to police violence.

Stolen Lives Justice Fund Newsletter #1 (October 2021)
Stolen Lives Justice Fund Newsletter #2 (November 2021)
Stolen Lives Justice Fund Newsletter #3 (December 2021)
Stolen Lives Justice Fund Newsletter #4 (January & February 2022)


Jones Day is the fifth largest law firm in the US. They mostly represent large corporations but in the last election, they represented the Trump campaign in lawsuits trying to overturn the election results.

Jones Day has virtually taken over the government of the City of Minneapolis, working in the city attorney's office to prosecute protesters and others, defend the city against lawsuits by people hurt by police, and process complaints against the police in the Office of Police Conduct Review. They are negotiating the police federation contract for the city, and ensuring police get PTSD payouts. They are also defending the city against the US Department of Justice and Minnesota Department of Human Rights investigations. In other words, they are trying to stop the city from making progress on improving policing and ending police violence.

Initially, they were working for free for the city but have now secured contracts where they are being paid $500 or more an hour for work that should be done by the city attorney's office and other city staff for far less.

We don't need corporate hacks running our city and preventing us from holding the MPD accountable, all while grossly overcharging us. Tell Mayor Frey and the City Council: JONES DAY OUT OF MINNEAPOLIS NOW!


The US Department of Justice has launched an investigation into the Minneapolis Police and City of Minneapolis.  They are looking at use of force by the police and whether the police engage in racial discrimination.  They are also looking at use of force against protesters and police treatment of people with disabilities, including people living with mental illness.  We have asked them to also look into MPD treatment of people experiencing homelessness and the MPD’s poor quality of investigations into murders of people of color.

We know, of course, that Minneapolis police use excessive force and engage in racial profiling and discrimination.  We know that protesters, homeless people and people with disabilities are mistreated.  We also know that the City almost never holds cops accountable.  So this investigation is a welcome thing.  Our goal as a community is to make sure the DOJ gets the information they need to uncover the truth about Minneapolis policing.

What will come out of this investigation?

If the investigation is done well, the DOJ will learn about the many issues with policing in Minneapolis.  They will put together a consent decree—a list of required changes.  The consent decree will then be presented in court and Minneapolis will be ordered to follow it.  If the city doesn’t follow it, the federal government could take over our police department, a process called receivership.

Here’s how you can get involved:

You can also contact the DOJ directly to tell your story.  Call 866-432-0268 or email [email protected]

This is an important opportunity to address our policing issues—we all need to be part of the solution!


When police respond to mental health crisis calls, the results can be disastrous. People needing help end up in jail, or worse.  Police officers themselves don't want to respond to these calls.  CUAPB has written a white paper on ending this practice.  It is a definitive guide to ensuring that people experiencing mental health crises get care, not criminalization.




Join CUAPB supporters on Facebook and Twitter (@cuapbmpls).  Our Facebook page is regularly updated with CUAPB activities, news articles, and relevant information.


Want to get involved?  The best way is to attend our weekly meetings.

CUAPB Weekly Meetings
Every Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
4200 Cedar Ave S, Minneapolis
We have gone back to in-person meetings but have call-in and video conferencing options.  Email [email protected] for information on joining the meeting remotely.


We're an all-volunteer organization and do a ton of work with people power.  However, funds are needed for office costs, phones for our hotline, copwatch equipment, court filing fees, assistance to families dealing with the effects of police brutality, and other expenses.  You can help!  Please mail your donations to 4200 Cedar Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 or donate through our Paypal account by clicking on the button on this page.

Thanks so much for supporting us. We are 100% committed to empowering the community and ending police brutality but we can only do what we do with your support.

Communities United Against Police BrutalityTM

24-HOUR HOTLINE: 612-874-STOP (612-874-7867)

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