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    Kaspersky Lab: Driving Ferrari's True Cybersecurity

    When you’re one of the world’s most iconic brands, driven by the most successful team in Formula 1 history and people’s safety depends on the accuracy and availability of your data, you can’t afford to take risks. That’s why Ferrari trusts Kaspersky Lab to take care of its cybersecurity.
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  • Estudo de caso da Ferrari

    A Ferrari adotou a decisão estratégica de escolher a Kaspersky Lab como seu provedor de segurança de TI. Eles queriam introduzir medidas de segurança de TI mais rígidas tanto para proteger seus negócios fundamentais quanto para garantir o aumento da segurança. Saiba mais nesse vídeo exclusivo.
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    True Cybersecurity protege a nova era da mobilidade

    No dia da corrida, cada segundo é fundamental para os engenheiros de pista da Envision Virgin Racing. Qualquer perda de acesso à TI pode ser fatal para o destino da equipe. A tecnologia e os sistemas superiores de cibersegurança da Kaspersky Lab protegem os dispositivos da infraestrutura de TI da Envision Virgin Racing, que cresce rapidamente, adicionando sua vasta experiência em esportes motorizados aos esforços da equipe para vencer o Campeonato de Fórmula E da FIA.
    case studies
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    Proteção e segurança que acompanha a evolução

    A MC-Bauchemie é uma das maiores e mais respeitadas empresas mundiais de produtos químicos para construção, que tem como lema "construir é cuidar". A MC decidiu apostar na ferramenta Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced e no estreitamento do relacionamento junto do suporte local da N1 IT para atualizar o produto, participando inclusive de versões beta para progressivamente proteger o equipamento e rede da empresa.
    case studies
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    Kaspersky Security Network: Big Data-powered Security

    In the never-ending cyber arms race, a true cybersecurity solution is capable of instant, effective response to new malware while striving to anticipate cybercriminals’ next moves. A key component of that capability is the use of cloud technologies that apply distributed data mining and Data Science technologies to threat information processing.
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    Protection Secures Future for Fashion Brand

    Collezione has a strong online presence and has invested in new technology to ensure a fast and satisfying digital experience for its customers. Although the company had protection for its systems already in place, it was having difficulties monitoring and managing the performance of its dispersed assets.
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    Shared Philosophy Pays Long Term Dividends

    SSD Technology Partners of Delaware understands precisely what its customers are looking for from an IT managed service provider. The company has built enduring partnerships with a rich portfolio of organizations in diverse sectors, by delivering great IT solutions that free customers to focus on what they do best.
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    Tackling Cyber Security to Build a Global Energy Business

    The oil refining business is focused on the manufacture of high-quality products, in high-tech, efficient and environmentally friendly facilities. Incidents caused by cyber attacks aimed at automated command and control systems can directly affect safe production.
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    Adrea Embraces Security And Unity

    A key player in health insurance, pension planning, savings and retirement, Adrea chose Kaspersky's endpoint security solution and enhanced it with mobile device management (MDM) functionality in order to protect its mobile devices.
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    KUHN Opts For Performance On Security

    KUHN, the agricultural machinery manufacturer, faced the daunting challenge of deploying efficient and effective antivirus software on their servers and 2,600 computers in less than 2 months. Making things even more complicated was the fact that KUHN Group’s computing equipment is located not only in Saverne in Alsace, France, but also at nine production sites in the United States, Brazil and the Netherlands.
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