Git: Branches, Merges, and Remotes Preview

Git: Branches, Merges, and Remotes

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Course details

Git—the popular and free version control software—unlocks powerful code management tools, including branching, merging, and remote repositories. The course explains how to use these features and commands for change tracking and collaboration. Learn to navigate the commit tree and review the log to find specific commits. Find out how to create branches to test new ideas without impacting the main project and merge those changes into the project if they work out. You can also reset branches to undo changes and stash changes that are not ready to be committed in temporary storage. Instructor Kevin Skoglund also shows how to set up a remote repository to work with another developer and implement a collaboration workflow to ensure you are working together effectively.


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    Kevin Skoglund

    Nova Fabrica

    Kevin Skoglund builds custom web solutions at Nova Fabrica and teaches web development at LinkedIn Learning.

    Kevin Skoglund is the founder of Nova Fabrica, a web development agency specialized in delivering custom, scalable solutions using Ruby on Rails, PHP, SQL, and related technologies. Nova Fabrica clients include An Event Apart, Atlas Carpet Mills, Consulate Film, Gregorius|Pineo, Maharam, Oakley, and The Bold Italic. Kevin is a author with over 15 years of teaching and web development experience.

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