Biden’s Afghanistan Exit Raises Questions About His Foreign-Policy Record

U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan could create a haven for terrorist groups, experts warn

The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan, with fighters entering the presidential palace, and gunshots broke out at Kabul’s airport as thousands tried to flee the country. The collapse of the Afghan government creates an uncertain future for civilians and challenges for the U.S. Photo: Stringer/Reuters

During the 2020 political campaign, President Biden presented himself as a globe-trotting leader who had helmed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, served as President Barack Obama’s point man on complex international issues and who was determined to bring a steady hand to national security.

Yet the turmoil that has engulfed Afghanistan, which has led Mr. Biden to send 5,000 troops back to the country, roughly doubling the force he decided in April to take out, has confronted the White House with a crisis that could have lasting humanitarian and national-security consequences, former officials say.

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