Metadata Management

Discover, catalog, and govern all your enterprise metadata

Metadata provides the context required to understand and govern your systems, your data, and your business. With TIBCO, manage all your metadata in one place and support all your enterprise teams. For more insightful analytics, users search, understand, and provision data using self-service data catalogs and governed workflows. To optimize operations, teams discover, harvest, and manage all enterprise metadata assets and data lineages. To meet regulatory mandates (GDPR, CCPA, BCBS 239, etc.), data governance teams identify critical data elements, document definitions, and report on compliance.

Use Cases
Enterprise Metadata Management

Enterprise Metadata Management

Support your data engineering and IT teams. Build a unified view of all your metadata assets including: business metadata (glossaries, definitions, policies, rules), physical metadata (data dictionaries, data lineages), and the data catalogs (datasets, entitlements).

Data Governance

Data Governance

Help your data governance teams comply with regulatory mandates (GDPR, CCPA, BCBS 239, etc.) and internal control requirements. Create and maintain critical artifacts such as business glossaries and definitions to facilitate your data governance efforts.

Data Catalog

Data Catalog

For analytics teams, support self service. With easy-to-search data catalogs, teams can find and provision datasets to entitled users through governed workflows.

Featured Product

TIBCO Named a Leader for Fourth Consecutive Time in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Master Data Management Solutions