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Determining Your 2022 Career Goals: 10 Questions to Ask Yourself

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By Susan Hoffman
Edge Managing Editor

Shortly after the new year arrives, I have a certain ritual that involves taking down my old wall calendar and replacing it with a new one. Before I get rid of the old calendar, however, I flip through the pages and reflect briefly on what happened over the past year, both good and bad. It’s also a time when I start thinking over what I’d like to accomplish in the new year, professionally and personally. 

Planning Your 2022 Career Goals

Whatever your 2022 career goals may be, some internal contemplation is useful to help you reach your professional goals. Some thoughts to consider include:

  1. What type of work do I find most satisfying, and what am I proud of having accomplished?
  2. What type of work doesn’t satisfy me, and how could I change that?
  3. What knowledge, skills and abilities would be useful in the search for a new job?
  4. What certifications or training do I need?
  5. Could I pick up new skills for free through digital volunteering or in-person volunteer work?
  6. What career obstacles are in my way right now, and what can I do to overcome those roadblocks?
  7. What do I need most right now?
  8. Do I want to specialize in one specific area or have expertise in several areas?
  9. Am I using SMART goals – specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-bound?
  10. What does career satisfaction look like to me?

Related link: The Great Resignation: Transforming the Lives of US Workers

Unsure of Your 2022 Career Goals? Career Services Can Help You

If you haven’t quite determined your career goals for 2022, consider talking to one of our expert Career Exploration Specialists or Career Coaches. Career Services can provide you with self-assessments to determine what skills and interests you have and then help you explore careers that match those skills and interests.

In addition, Career Services offers various services which are free to our University students and alumni:

  • Personalized career assistance from a Career Coach
  • Federal career coaching if you’re seeking federal employment
  • Mock interviews
  • Resume and social media reviews
  • Free Virtual Career Fairs where you can chat directly with company recruiters
  • Job boards

For more information, email [email protected] or reach out to Career Services by logging into your student ecampus.

Susan Hoffman is a Managing Editor at APU Edge, whose articles have appeared in multiple publications. Susan is known for her expertise in blogging, social media, SEO, and content analytics, and she is also a book reviewer for Military History magazine. She has a B.A. cum laude in English from James Madison University and an undergraduate certificate in electronic commerce from American Public University.

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