The Flight Commander's Edge

Welcome to The Edge

The Flight Commander’s Edge is a program established by Air University to support the development of flight-level leadership courses across the Air Force.


Managed by the eSchool of Graduate Professional Military Education, The Flight Commander’s Edge program provides a variety of tools designed to help MAJCOM, NAF, and Wing leadership develop and deploy flight-level leadership courses.


Focusing on both leadership topics and base-specific content, The Flight Commander’s Edge program provides lesson plans that can be executed in the classroom by individuals with little or no teaching experience.  Lesson plans and guides provide a discussion- and activity-based “experience” which may be customized and taught by anyone with a minimum amount of preparation. 


Content is available for designated MAJCOM, NAF, and Wing-level course directors and facilitators via a dedicated online community.  In the community, participants can share information, ask questions, and download both Air University and locally-produced content.

    The following video showcases Air University Flight Commander's Edge Program. This video highlights the curriculum provided and practical experiences for action officers or project managers tasked with building flight level leadership development programs to help strengthen Air Force squadrons.

    The Flight Commander's Edge logo

    Contact The Flight Commander's Edge
    via email at
    [email protected]

    Flight Commanders Course briefing