
This section features articles that are meant to inform readers about perspectives, issues and debates around certain topics considered relevant within the ICT arena, as well as highlights about all those activities and themes that matter to the APC network and the spaces we engage in. Tecnologías Comunitarias joins the APC network: "This link will allow us to strengthen our organisation and generate new networking opportunities" 28 January 2022 By APCNews

Meet new APC member Tecnologías Comunitarias in Ecuador, which is committed to social justice, autonomy, digital sovereignty, human rights, the rights of nature, and a free and feminist internet. 

Community Networks and Local Access Monthly Newsletter - Number 43 27 January 2022 By APCNews

Welcome to the 43rd monthly round-up of developments impacting your local access networks and community-based initiatives.

Online launch: Community radio enabling women's empowerment in remote communities of India
Online launch: Community radio enabling women's empowerment in remote communities of India 26 January 2022 By APCNews

How have women found self-expression through community radio? On 1 February at 10:00 UTC, IIT Bombay will present and discuss a new research report focusing on diverse experiences in India. 

Feminist Internet Research Network: Call for research proposals
Feminist Internet Research Network: Call for research proposals 26 January 2022

We invite you to submit a proposal for data-driven research on critical and emerging issues related to internet policy discussions and decision making, specifically in Africa and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, with a thematic focus on online gender-based violence.

Virtual Summit on Community Networks in Africa: Billing solutions for community networks
Virtual Summit on Community Networks in Africa: Billing solutions for community networks 21 January 2022

Join us for the third session of the Virtual Summit on Community Networks in Africa 2021-2022 that will take place on 26 January 2022 at 12:00 to explore strategies and tools for implementing billing solutions in different initiatives.

APC: UN Tech envoy should support an open, global and interoperable internet
APC: UN Tech envoy should support an open, global and interoperable internet 21 January 2022 By APC

APC welcomes the process for the selection of a new UN Envoy on Technology and stands ready to support the new mandate holder, given their central role in promoting improved coordination for internet governance and global digital cooperation.

IAWRT-K joins the APC network: "We recognise the rich networking opportunities and the possibility of building synergy through advocacy and partnerships"
IAWRT-K joins the APC network: "We recognise the rich networking opportunities and the possibility of building synergy through advocacy and partnerships" 13 January 2022 By APCNews

Meet the International Association of Women in Radio and Television - Kenya (IAWRT-K), a Nairobi-based chapter of the global non-profit and one of the recent additions to the APC member network.

Job opportunity with APC: GenderIT coordinator and editor
Job opportunity with APC: GenderIT coordinator and editor 11 January 2022

The Women's Rights Programme of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC WRP) is looking for a content production coordinator and experienced editor to join APC’s virtual office and help support our exciting work.

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