Utvidingar med blokker

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Multipurpose Gutenberg Block

Single block containing multiple elements, It will enhance your website visibility and your needs. With…

theDotstore 200+ installasjonar i drift Tested with 5.8.3 Oppdatert 5 månader sidan

Page View Count

Places an icon, all time views count and views today count at the bottom of…

a3rev Software 20 000+ installasjonar i drift Tested with 5.9 Oppdatert 1 veke sidan

Framheva utvidingar

Sjå alle Framheva utvidingar

Classic Editor

Enables the previous "classic" editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes,…

WordPress Contributors 5+ millionar installasjonar i drift Tested with 5.8.3 Oppdatert 6 månader sidan

Classic Widgets

Enables the previous "classic" widgets settings screens in Appearance – Widgets and the Customizer. Disables…

WordPress Contributors 800 000+ installasjonar i drift Tested with 5.9 Oppdatert 6 dagar sidan


Sjå alle Beta-innstikk


The Gutenberg plugin provides editing, customization, and site building features to WordPress. This beta plugin…

Gutenberg Team 300 000+ installasjonar i drift Tested with 5.8.3 Oppdatert 2 veker sidan

Preferred Languages

Choose languages for displaying WordPress in, in order of preference.

Pascal Birchler 2 000+ installasjonar i drift Tested with 5.8.3 Oppdatert 6 månader sidan

Application Passwords

Creates unique passwords for applications to authenticate users without revealing their main passwords.

George Stephanis 20 000+ installasjonar i drift Tested with 5.5.8 Oppdatert 9 månader sidan

Populære innstikk

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Contact Form 7

Endå eit nytt kontaskjema innstikk. Enkelt men fleksibelt.

Takayuki Miyoshi 5+ millionar installasjonar i drift Tested with 5.9 Oppdatert 2 veker sidan

Yoast SEO

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using…

Team Yoast 5+ millionar installasjonar i drift Tested with 5.9 Oppdatert 7 dagar sidan

Classic Editor

Enables the previous "classic" editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes,…

WordPress Contributors 5+ millionar installasjonar i drift Tested with 5.8.3 Oppdatert 6 månader sidan