Kaspersky Security Bulletin

Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2021. Statistics

All statistics in this report are from the global cloud service Kaspersky Security Network (KSN), which receives information from components in our security solutions. The data was obtained from users who had given their consent to it being sent to KSN. Millions of Kaspersky users around the globe assist us in collecting information about malicious activity. The statistics in this report cover the period from November 2019 to October 2021, inclusive.

Figures of the year

  • During the year, 15.45% of internet user computers worldwide experienced at least one Malware-class attack.
  • Kaspersky solutions blocked 687,861,449 attacks launched from online resources across the globe.
  • 114,525,734 unique malicious URLs triggered Web Anti-Virus components.
  • Our Web Anti-Virus blocked 64,559,357 unique malicious objects.
  • Ransomware attacks were defeated on the computers of 366,256 unique users.
  • During the reporting period, miners attacked 1,184,986 unique users.
  • Attempted infections by malware designed to steal money via online access to bank accounts were logged on the devices of 429,354 users.

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Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2021. Statistics

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  1. Achim Jung

    I would like to get the report for BMW Group.

    1. Securelist

      Hi Achim!

      Please fill in the form provided in the post to get the full report.


MoonBounce: the dark side of UEFI firmware

At the end of 2021, we inspected UEFI firmware that was tampered with to embed a malicious code we dub MoonBounce. In this report we describe how the MoonBounce implant works and how it is connected to APT41.

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