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Unexpected database server downtime, affecting bugs, forums, wiki (Nov 27, 2021)

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Due to an unexpected breakage on our database servers, several Gentoo websites are currently down. In particular, this includes Forums, Wiki, and Bugzilla. Please visit our Infrastructure status page for real-time monitoring and eventual outage notices.

Update, Dec 5, 2021: The outage, apparently caused by a subtle bug in the depths of MariaDB and Galera, should mostly be over. Our infrastructure team is watching the database servers closely though.

New packages at the Gentoo packages database

dev-games/irrlicht-mt Minetest's fork of dev-games/irrlicht
net-im/biboumi XMPP gateway to IRC
acct-user/biboumi User for net-im/biboumi
acct-group/biboumi System group: biboumi
sys-apps/uutils GNU coreutils rewritten in Rust

Fresh documentation on the Gentoo wiki

BleedingTooth vulnerability started by Whissi
Raspberry Pi/New Pi started by Jens3
PostgreSQL/QuickStart/zh-cn started by Fyn
Sysklogd started by Needle
Google Summer of Code/2022/Mentors started by Alicef