High Availability and Disaster Recovery Options for IBM Power Systems: Cloud and On-Premises

A draft IBM Redpaper publication

Updated 13 December 2021

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IBM Form #: REDP-5656-00

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Authors: Dino Quintero, Shawn Bodily, Manas Kunnathodika, Antony Steel, Kim Poh Wong


This IBM® Redpaper publication positions the new high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) options in the cloud against those options on-premises.

Hybrid cloud applications on IBM Power Systems are known for its high performance and reliability. The flexibility and available services options of IBM cloud ensured high availability and disaster recovery of these hybrid applications on Power Systems affordable and easy to use.

This publication is intended to help with the basic requirements to configure and implement the HA and DR for a number of on-premises and cloud configurations. This book addresses topics for IT architects, IT specialists, sellers and anyone looking to implement and manage high availability and disaster recovery on-premises and in the Cloud. Moreover, this publication provides documentation to transfer the how-to-skills to the technical teams, and solution guidance to the sales team. This book compliments the documentation
available at IBM Documentation and aligns with the educational materials provided by IBM Systems Technical Education.

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