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Big Memory Cloud Technology New In-Memory Cloud Services


Press Release

MemVerge Unveils Big Memory Cloud Technology


MemVerge at AWS re:Invent

Meet with us in Las Vegas December 1st and 2nd​


Memory Machine™

Cloud Edition
Featuring breakthrough services for cloud fault tolerance and mobility. The fault tolerance service allows stateful, non-fault-tolerant, long-running apps to use low-cost Spot instances. The cloud bursting service allows apps to move quickly from on-prem to the cloud, and the cloud-to-cloud service lets app move gracefully from cloud to cloud.

Corporate Overview

Overview of MemVerge & Big Memory

The Skinny on Memory Machine

Overview of Memory Machine Software

Featured Big Memory Solutions

MemVerge® Memory Machine™ software and memory hardware work together to form Big Memory solutions delivering lower server memory cost and higher performance, productivity, and availability

Cloud IaaS

In-Memory Databases


Animation & VFX

"The world is going multi-cloud. Big Memory Cloud is an important enabling technology for stateful apps to not only survive but thrive in this multi-cloud world.”
Eric Burgener

Research Vice President, Infrastructure Systems, Platforms and Technologies | IDC

"It is exciting to see this offering from MemVerge that will help enable enterprises to take advantage of the speed of traditional memory with the capacity that persistent memory delivers, without requiring application code modifications."
Alper Ilkbahar

VP & GM, Memory & Storage Product Group | Intel

"MemVerge's Memory Machine software demonstrates marked performance gain over other in-memory infrastructure while displaying lower jitter and increased determinism."
Dominick Paniscotti

CTO | MemX

“We are using Memory Machine to virtualize DRAM and PMEM across our data, cloud, HPC, and AI practices as an important aspect of our edge-to-core strategy.”
Kevin Tubbs

SVP Strategic Solutions Group | Penguin Computing

“MemVerge Memory Machine's ZeroIO Snapshot capability dramatically improves performance of new applications, reducing the time to recovery from hours to seconds.”
Nicola Carotti

Head of Cloud and Hybrid Datacenter | Banca Intesa Sanpaolo

"The Big Memory platform that MemVerge and Intel developed accelerates our workflows and helps us generate results much faster, which will lead to more efficient ways to gain greater insights and knowledge in diseases mechanisms and improve healthcare.”
Chris Kang

Head of Bioinformatics Operations | Analytical Biosciences

“The promise of increased agility and faster operations has already fueled rampant adoption of public cloud services. With MemVerge’s Big Memory Computing and AppCapsule technology, that game-changing potential of the cloud becomes even more accessible to stateful applications.”

Scott Sinclair

Practice Director | ESG

“Being able to seamlessly and graciously recover from system failures during complex simulation runs is critical to optimize efficiency for completing jobs with long run-times. Checkpointing is a well-understood technique for saving the states of independent node memory during a failure mode and restoring that state when the machine is back up and running. Bringing checkpointing capability to big memory architectures with pooled, distributed memory across multiple nodes operating on large datasets should further enable adoption of in-memory computing techniques within the HPC and AI communities. Kudos to MemVerge for stepping up to provide the industry stewardship to make DMTCP a commercial reality."

Mark Nossokoff

Senior Research Analyst | Hyperion Research

"Robust, performant checkpointing offers us flexibility in scheduling jobs for system maintenances and real-time data processing for experimental facilities. This feature also allows us to better backfill jobs, which ultimately leads to increased system utilization and improved job throughput for our nearly 8,000 scientific users.”

Rebecca Hartman-Baker

User Engagement Group Lead | National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The World’s 1st Big Memory Software

IDC defines Big Memory Computing as a market segment consisting of memory hardware and Big Memory software that creates a new persistent memory tier.

Request a Demo

We are happy to provide you a full demo so that you can see the capabilities of the MemVerge solution. Once we receive your request, we will schedule a convenient time for your live demo.