What We Do

We are building a network which will enable software applications to run computational jobs on millions of consumer and enterprise computers during the time which they are idle - which is most of the day.

Like AirBnB for computer time.

Together these computers have the power of Supercomputers.

What Kind of Jobs?

We can handle automated jobs as well as ones that require manual intervention (microtasks).

We are already running complex jobs such as AI enabled image tagging, sentiment analysis, climate modeling and protein-folding on our testnet. In the next phase of development we will add support for applications which require manual intervention.


Consumer and Enterprise PCs have become very powerful and yet they stand idle for most of the day. BLACKCHAIN monetises this time for Consumers and Enterprises (and also Cloud Providers)

For Application Developers we offer a never before imagined scale of computing and ease of development and deployment efforts. We have already enabled massive parallel processing for AI Models in HOURS.

How Does it Work?

The BLACKCHAIN Core is a Peer-To-Peer(p2p) communications and storage network for distributing jobs and job payloads, aggregating and validating results and managing fair payments for the succesfully executed jobs.

The network is comprised of BLACKCHAIN Operators which are nodes hosted on participant computers.


Operators select which applications they support, receive jobs and channel them to the appropriate application. The application executes the job and sends the results back to the network where it is validated and payments are made for succesful completion.

BLACKCHAIN Applications are published through the BLACKCHAIN Bazaar and may be written in any popular language. Applications run within the BLACKCHAIN MicroCluster Architecture.


Each Application MUST support 2 Types of Jobs - Executor and Validator. Executors run the Jobs and Validators validate Job Results. Operators may choose to run only Executors or Validators.

All transactions, jobs, results, execution metrics and payments are indelibly recorded on the BLACKCHAIN. We are NOT a cryptocurrency. All payments are to be made only in 'Stable Coin'.


We are already running complex jobs such as AI enabled image tagging, sentiment analysis, climate modeling and protein-folding on our testnet with our customers.

For demos and commercial discussions contact us through linkedin.

BLACKCHAIN is incubated at BAL LAB.

For Updates, White Papers and Topical Discussions

Follow us on Medium at BLACKCHAIN Protocol


Closing background image: Photo by Ruvim Noga on Unsplash

All other background images: Media Militia