For a world without barriers.

CYBATHLON 2024: Two new disciplines and a new event format for a world without barriers!

ETH Zurich’s unique non-profit project continues! From 25 to 27 October 2024, the third edition of the CYBATHLON will take place in a global format. To the original six disciplines, two more are added: a race using smart visual assistive technologies and a race using assistive robots.

More about CYBATHLON 2024

Become part of CYBATHLON!

Do you research and develop assistive technology such as exoskeletons, intelligent white canes for the blind, powered wheelchairs or prosthetic legs? Do you work with brain-computer interfaces or functional electrical muscle stimulation? Or do you wear a prosthesis yourself?

Do you want to contribute to the inclusion of people with disabilities and work towards a world without barriers? Then become part of CYBATHLON now!

More information about team registration

Become a partner of CYBATHLON

CYBATHLON provides a unique platform to promote research and development in the field of assistive technology for everyday use and to promote dialogue with the public about the inclusion of people with disabilities in everyday life. CYBATHLON is looking for partners who will support the platform on the Road to 2024 and join in working for a world without barriers.

Are you interested? We look forward to hearing from you!
  • SWISS Arena Kloten
  • Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Bike Race
  • Pilot with exoskeleton overcomes slalom obstacle in competition
  • Pilotin überwindet mit motorisiertem Rollstuhl Rampe am CYBATHLON 2016
  • Exoskeleton pilots congratulate each other on CYBATHLON 2016
  • Arm prosthesis pilot solves task at the table
  • At the CYBATHLON 2016 prosthetic leg pilot gets up from the sofa station
  • Prosthetic arm pilot is congratulated
1st December 2021

Become part of CYBATHLON!

Do you research and develop assistive technology such as exoskeletons, intelligent white canes for the blind or powered wheelchairs? Or do you wear a prosthesis yourself? Do you want to contribute to the inclusion of people with disabilities and work towards a world without barriers? Then become part of CYBATHLON now!

2nd November 2021

CYBATHLON 2024: Two new disciplines and a new event format for a world without barriers

ETH Zurich’s unique non-profit project continues! From 25 to 27 October 2024, the third edition of the CYBATHLON will take place in a global format. The organisers are adding two more disciplines to the original six: a race using smart visual assistive technologies and a race using assistive robots. As a platform, CYBATHLON challenges teams from around the world to develop everyday assistive technologies for, and in collaboration with, people with disabilities.

14th June 2021

A world without barriers: Inclusion as a matter of course

What will our world look like in 2040? How do we communicate, travel and work? What’s on our minds, and what isn’t anymore? This is how CYBATHLON's communications manager imagines a day in 2040.

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