Justice & Civil Rights

Civil rights don't exist in a vacuum. They are meaningful only in the real world - the world where people have to survive to work, to raise their families, to instill in their children hope for the future.”
- Vernon E. Jordan


2025 Empowerment Goal:

Every American has an equal right and responsibility to fully participate in our democracy and civic processes, and all people have a right to justice and fairness.


The Lewis Latimer Plan

The National Urban League, working with other civil rights organizations and public policy experts, commissioned the Lewis Latimer Plan for Digital Equity and Inclusion, a detailed and comprehensive agenda to reach these four major goals and erase several persistent and dangerous gaps.

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Police Reform

For too long communities around the nation, particularly Black communities, have had their lives, safety, and freedom threatened by discriminatory and violent policing. The National Urban League produced its 21 Pillars for Redefining Public Safety and Restoring Community Trust to offer a framework for advocacy that redefines public safety and restores community trust – paving a way beyond the status quo.

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